Here you will find information on eating healthy, recipes, health tips, and remedies for feeling better. I am an advocate for natural cures for any ailment, and find them to be extremely beneficial and safer for our bodies. Our body has it’s own way of healing itself when nourished properly and when taken care of. We hurt it’s natural system of healing when we add processed, junk food and conventional medicine. I am in no way saying ALL conventional medicine is bad and you should ditch it. Please consult your physician before stopping any medications and adding new healthy, natural supplements. Some natural supplements may interfere with the medication you are on now, which can cause even more problems.
I will be including great books and articles to read on the subject of health and diets. I don’t mean diets, as it is usually used in modern day society with negative implications, but I mean diet as a healthy lifestyle of eating. It’s important to live a healthy lifestyle with a love for food that is whole.
I am vegetarian half-vegan, which seems weird since I grew up on a ranch. I do occasionally eat my fathers home-grown beef and wild meats, but it’s very rare. If I want meat I will eat it, but only if it’s organic, grass feed, or wild. I have never been a big meat eater. I love feta cheese and the occasional good ice cream, otherwise I don’t eat much dairy products.
I will be honest that I was a food “snob” in high school until my second year of college. What do I mean by this?? Well, I would only eat organic foods and avoided ALL sweets. I would have been classified in the “I can’t eat that” group. I brought my own food to friend’s house; at restaurants I would only order water and if they had it organic salad, otherwise I would wait to eat elsewhere. Yes, I was a bit extreme, but now I have learned to live a little, and realize that no matter how hard I try I can’t possibly avoid all the chemicals, pesticides, and toxins in food. Moderation and balance is the key.
Never make food an enemy. Never feel like you are depriving yourself of something you love. I am so happy I decided to enjoy my organic dark chocolate and the sweets I bake. We should all have room to splurge; it just shouldn’t be all the time and it can be done in a healthier way.