I guess this is more a “welcome back” to me than to you. I haven’t blogged in over a year, because I wasn’t sure of the direction of the blog and whether or not my content relevant.
Time changes – we move through different seasons of life. We move, get new jobs, have kids and then more kids, change our perspectives, find ourselves in different career paths, etc.
I do know that some things have remained the same for me: I love Jesus, still love running, still aim to live healthy and eat nutritious foods, and still love coaching others in their health and fitness. What may have changed is my growing family and my heart towards different subjects. I spend most of my day homeschooling my beautiful children and trying to bring all glory to Him.
So I popped on here to say I am back to blogging and will be sharing some of the same content, while covering new topics. I aim to bring you health, nutrition, fitness and faith. Maybe sharing some of my motherhood journey and homeschool journey as well.
You can read my recent post here!Hopefully I’ll pop on here more regularly – but you can always find me on Instagram and Facebook sharing my journey there.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit