It’s late and I have been up putting together our wedding invitations, and addressing envelopes to send out. I can say I am getting pretty good at spelling my name!!
We aren’t even halfway through with the invites yet. We do have nearly all of the invitations assembled and stuffed in envelopes, which is so awesome. Now I need to address 200 more!! Yikes that seems like a lot!! I am hoping to get lots done tomorrow on my day off from work.
Marc, the amazing man I am marrying, designed our invites.
He did an amazing job and it saved us lots of money!! It turns out wedding invitations are ridiculously expensive. After we had them printed we bought some ribbon and starting tying each individual invitation.
It’s moments like this that I wish I didn’t know so many people and had a smaller family. 🙂
I am so blessed to have such a great family though!! My sister has been a big help, and I has tied most of the invites. I couldn’t have done it without her help.
I also got to try on my wedding dress on Saturday. It finally came!! After getting back from Utah, it was my first task, and my parents were in town so they came along for the adventure. Absolutely love my dress. Next steps alterations.
Have a great night (hopefully your in bed, you should be) and don’t miss my posts on the Ragnar Relay Wasatch Back, Utah….Coming Soon to a computer near you!! 🙂