It’s Monday!!
Another work week has begun. Marc and I had a wet and windy weekend, which meant our run was wet and windy as well. More on that later.
As you all know i have joined the Run This Year challenge. Last year I ran the year in miles, finishing over 2100 miles. It was definitely tough and at times I didn’t know if I would actually be able to reach the goal. I had doubts, that is for sure, but I also ran determined.
This is the theme for this month of Run This Year. As run gurus and ambassadors we are inspiring others to run determined. To reach any goal, determination is key. If you want to accomplish any feat, you have to be determined. Determined you can accomplish the goal, and determined you will overcome all the struggles, pain, and obstacles that may come your way.
I have to be honest and say there were days I hated running. I wanted to quit and throw in the “shoes.” But I didn’t. I stay determined.
Here are some tips to stay determined:
- Keep you goal in focus – Whether it’s 2014 miles or kilometers for the year or 40 miles a month, keep you focus on your goal. When the self doubt creeps in, shift your focus back to the goal.
- Don’t give up on yourself – You will have days of wanting to quit forever. Some days you would rather stay in bed or take a day off, and that’s ok, as long as it doesn’t become a habit. Don’t give up on yourself because it gets tough. Take a day off and remember you can achieve the goal. There’s obstacles with any goal, which is why believing in yourself is key.
- Write your goal down and the steps you need to take to get there – Having the goal easily seen when you wake up reminds you every day what you are determined to accomplish. Repeat it to yourself every morning and why you want to reach it. This reminds us why we are getting up at the crack of dawn to run.
- Have rewards set – If you are going for so many miles a week or month, make a reward for yourself when that goal is met. It could be new compression socks or a massage. Maybe a new sports bra or running socks, even a latte. It doesn’t have to be big. You can have a big reward waiting at the end of the year.
- Share your goal with others – When you let others know what your goal is, they can help you stay focused and determined. You will be accountable to them. Share it with your spouse, friends and other family, so they can keep you on track. The Run This Year team is a great community to share your goal with if you haven’t already. We are here to keep you determined and on track.
I had a run on Saturday, that was ran with determination.
The forecast for the weekend was definitely gloomy. Rain and wind gusts were in order. I decided that if it was going to run in the rain might as well switch up the normal running routine with a trip to another town for a trail fun run.
It’s easier to run in the windy, rainy weather when I know it will be in a new location. Different terrain makes for different views and a sense of newness, that makes running in horrible weather more fun.
We woke up early to be at the start by 8 a.m. We arrived and watched the rain pour down.
We stayed in our car until we needed to get out. With rain gear on and our running faces on we braved the wet, windy elements.
It was a 7.75 mile loop on a local trail. There was a definite climb around mile 3 until mile 5, with a headwind. We came down the hill and made a turn to be hit with an even harder headwind. I almost sheded my rain gear so I wouldn’t get to warm when we reached the starting point to end the first loop. Marc stopped after one loop and I kept going.
I thought this isn’t so bad. The rain began to come down harder and I was glad I kept my rain gear on. As I made the turn to climb back up the same hill, the wind gusts were so strong. I was being pushed up the hill. NO complaints there!! I felt like I was flying up the hill.
I knew that when I came down the hill and made a turn, I would be hit with a very strong headwind. The wind was getting stronger and stronger. The last 3 miles where definitely the windiest I have ever run. The rain was slapping my face. I ran with my head down and my hand holding my hat down so it wouldn’t blow away for the last 2.5 miles.
I had to keep my head down because the wind was so strong, I could barely breath. I nearly fell off the trail multiple times through the run. My body felt heavy, and I felt like I was walking. I was no match for the wind, and I may have muttered a curse word under my breathe. The last 2 miles were killer. My legs were heavyweights and my hamstring achy from the cold. I was wondering why I ever signed up for this.
I wanted to quit, but there was no way to get back but to continue on. I didn’t have my cell phone so I couldn’t call Marc to come get me, and he wouldn’t have been able to anyway.
I sucked it up and stay determined to not walk and to finish. When I made it back to the cars, I envied the dry warm husband waiting for me.
I finished and I felt so much accomplishment for it. The sense of achievement afterwards made the run so worth it.
Even though there were no awards or medals for this fun run, I was still determined to finish and felt like I had accomplished so much. You can feel that on any run any day, because every run is an achievement.
Marc said it best: “We drove just so we could run through Poseidon’s nightmare.” As we came closer and closer to home, it got more and more sunny. So we drove to run through “Poseidon’s nightmare”, when we could have enjoyed a sunny run back home. Oh well!! We laughed about it later.
I learned two things from this run:
- Wind makes you stronger and challenges you and
- The dashboard makes for a great drying rack
Oh and stretching before getting in a car and driving nearly 2 hours is a good idea.
Hope you all had a great weekend and got in a good run!!
And if your looking for a great new smoothie recipe or quick snack, try my Lavender Blueberry Smoothie and Roasted Radishes. You won’t be disappointed.
What tips can you give to stay determined?
I needed those tips to stay determined! During the holidays, running took a back seat for me. I am going to use those tips to propel me into 2014!
Also, whenever I have a tough run, I always tell myself “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger”- hills and wind just add to the fact that you are super bad a**!!
Telling people about your goal and thinking about it daily are such big helpers to staying on track! Way to get after it despite the horrible weather! It was a crazy weekend in the PacNW!
Good job staying determined! I had a 16 mile run like that a few weeks ago. Once I finished I felt so accomplished. I try I remember that feeling whenever I’m having a hard time staying motivated.
I hope I can get to the level of not caring about what’s going on outside. This is my first winter running, and I’ve realized I’m a wimp when it comes to wind!