Happy Monday Folks!!
Nope, no baby yet. But every day I think to myself “It could be today.” You just never know. These last few weeks are killing me. It’s so hard to wait. Less than 2 weeks away though. I am feeling so much better knowing my mom gets into town today.
Baby bean, Marc and I ran our last race together before her arrival. This was baby girl and I’s 12th race together, and I just realized it happened to be on the 12th. We did the Spokane Marathon 10k. It was a great day for racing.
Marc finally ran this one without me, because I wanted him to go for a win and the distance was short enough I wasn’t nervous about anything bad happening. He took 1st in his age group and was 6th overall.
What a stud he is.
It was definitely a cool morning. I opted to keep my sleeves on and didn’t regret it. I probably could have gotten by with just arm sleeves though. The sun was toasty though after the race, which was nice.
After some quick pee stops before the race we lined up downtown Spokane by the carousel in Riverfront Park. The 10k did a loop through Riverfront on the Centennial Trail running on both sides of the Spokane river, then headed out passed Gonzaga following the trail to Mission Park.
We did a loop around Mission Park and headed back on the Centennial Trail towards Gonzaga finishing back downtown. It’s a pretty fast course.
I saw Marc as he finished his loop around Mission Park…I was just beginning my loop. He said he was surprised to see me and I looked great. I surprisingly felt great and only had the urge to pee once, but I fought it. I started out a little bit slower than I finished, but it all felt comfortable.
- Mile 1: 7:28 Mile 2: 7:28 Mile 3: 7:25
I didn’t look at my watch once during the race, so I didn’t now I was doing mid 7’s, and then low 7’s. I was really surprised with my time.
- Mile 4: 7:23 Mile 5: 7:15 Mile 6: 7:04
I don’t remember the last time I did a 10k, it’s definitely a different racing mindset for shorter races. I need to do more of them. Overall time was a 44:57.
I ended up taking 2nd in my age group and was the 6th female overall. I definitely wasn’t expecting that. It was great seeing some girls from my running group and cheering them on. Lots did the 10K and half marathon and a few did the full marathon and marathon relay.
They kicked butt out there too, taking home 1st place in both the 10k and 1/2 marathon, and some master wins. Kind of excited to be able to start practicing more regularly with them again.
It was a great weekend, but it feels weird being done with races until after Bean arrives. At times I can’t believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. 12 races in 9 months, and lots of hardware for baby girl with age group wins and overall wins. Lots of memories we already have.
Oh and I got to see my little nephews after the race. Marc and I took them to the park to enjoy the great weather.
Micah keeps telling his mom whenever she tells him I am having a baby soon…”No Mom. Not yet.” Everyone says it’s going to be harder for him when I have my baby then it was for him when his baby brother was born. He might be in for a little bit of a surprise.
Hope you all had a great weekend!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
When did you stop racing in your pregnancy? How long did you run into your pregnancy?
You’re amazing! Can’t believe you power through these races at that speed. I am so excited for you to finally hold baby girl!– makes me want to hop on a plane and come and see you—- I can dream. xoxo Congratulations to both you and Marc!
Thank you Lisa!! I can’t wait to finally meet her. I am getting so anxious. I also can’t wait for running after baby!! I wish you could come!!
Awesome job!! Excited for you guys!! She’ll be here before you know it 🙂
Oh wow! You run these amazing paces at 9 months pregnant! I will have to remember that next time I am trotting along.
RunGurlie thank you!! I wouldn’t call it “trotting” you’re still running!! It’s definitely surprisingly when I finish a race and see my time. I think the adrenaline helps.