Yep, you read that right, Baby R is already 2 months old. I can’t believe it. We are spending some time in Montana with my folks and siblings, and Baby R is thoroughly enjoying herself.
Her 2 month checkup isn’t until after the New Year, since it was so busy, so basically it’s her 2.5 month checkup. Oh well.
Here’s how we are doing:
And sleep she does. There was one night recently she was up every 2 hours, but I think this was because she was gassy. It’s only happened once. Basically she sleeps for 7 hours straight at night, sometimes 8 or 6, before waking up to be fed. I start her last feeding around 7:45/8 ish and she is in bed by 8:30-9:30 (sometimes she would rather stare and smile at mommy). I am a blessed, and for the most part a well rested momma 🙂
She takes 2-3 naps throughout the day, and everyone keeps telling me she sleeps soo much!! Typically her naps are 2-3 hours long. Some days she’s more awake. She has her most awake time from 8-9 in the a.m. and 5-7 p.m.
She is still exclusively breast feeding. I have stopped freezing my milk, since I have almost a garbage sack full in my sisters deep freezer, and since my milk supply is slowing down. I have been able to let my sister use some for her little boy.
Baby R is growing like a weed!! She is in her 3 month clothes. Most of them are still loose, but the length fits her almost perfectly. She has long legs. Baby R has some cheeks on her, and a little Buddha belly. It’s hard not to squeeze her to life!! 😉
I would say she’s so easy going. Even when she is gassy and her stomach is upset, she doesn’t get fussy, she just wants to be held. Some days all she wants is to be near me. She loves to stare at me, with the biggest grin and the greatest sounds. We have some frequent cuddle time now that school is done.
She is more and more curious, and just recently found herself in her mirror. She loves to look at herself. I love the little noises she makes when playing on her floor mat. She also loves tummy time. Baby R is almost holding her head completely by herself too, and she is starting to grab at things. She is still being swaddled at night and still sleeps in her bassinet.
Just For Fun
Baby R loves staring at mommy and whenever she hears my voice she smiles. Sometimes it makes feedings take forever, but it’s so worth it. She also gets a huge grin on her face before she poops. It must be relieving for her. 😉
How’s Mom
I am doing great!! Getting my mileage back up, running now 35-40 miles a week. Even did my first speed session a week ago. I have my first 1/2 marathon post baby in March, so I am currently training for that.
I am getting more sleep than most new moms, and only occasionally have some lower back pain, probably from poor posture while breast feeding. Still trying to keep my weight up, and I eat like crazy. Sometimes I think my husband is in awe of how much I am eating.
Don’t feel hundred percent with my running yet, because I still have some pain. My doctor said it will probably be like that until I stop breastfeeding.
We dedicated Baby R yesterday and was blessed to have my parents and all my siblings and their significant others there. It was a special day for the family.
Hope you all enjoy Christmas with friends and family. I know I will. I am currently loving my runs in Montana, even with the high winds. The views are worth it.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
I wish you were around when I had my twins! I would have paid you for the extra milk– at 4 months I had to supplement with formula because my son was not gaining weight. R’s smile is SO sweet! I love her tongue sticking out! She’s as beautiful as momma!
Thank you Lisa!!