This may seem like a silly post, but you know the song that goes “I would do anything for love, but I won’t do that” ? It’s more than just an early 90s classic. It had me thinking about all the things that I would do for love, but then there’s some things, well you know.
When it comes to running there are just some things that I can’t part with, so please don’t make me chose between love and a few of my favorite things…..because well, I won’t do that.
I would do anything for love, but I won’t share my watermelon Nuun. I stock up when it’s in season and ration it throughout the year. When I am down to my last couple tubes, I’m not into the whole sharing thing. Back away from the Watermelon Nuun!!
I would do anything for love, but I won’t stay up late or go out with friends the night before a big training run. In marathon training I just don’t make exceptions or rarely will. My sleep and runs are important to me, and well if that means skipping girls night or date night with the hubby, then insert the “I would do anything…..” You don’t want to see me without my runs.
I would do anything for love, but I won’t make a vacation the week before a race or of a race (unless it’s a runcation). I have spent many long hours training for a race, and it wouldn’t be a vacation if my runs were interrupted. A training cycle takes lots of precious time and dedication, and sometime I am not so willing to trade my hard work for fun.
I would do anything for love, but I won’t cut my running budget. I can make cuts anywhere else before I start to cut back on our running budget, which includes races, shoes, apparel, and travel for races and more shoes. In all honesty I rather have money for running then money for movies or takeout. Maybe I am little obsessive.
I would do anything for love, but I won’t really run a race with you and enjoy it if it’s not at my speed. Okay, so this may seem very selfish, and it all honesty I am working on it. I admire that my husband ran with me during my pregnancy at most of our races. I don’t know if I could do that, because I am too competitive of a person. I would like to say I would, but I tried it once with my older sister in our first 50k and it about killed me. I got irritated that she kept wanting to walk and take breaks, and linger at aid stations, and in her words “Have fun.” So maybe my idea of fun is different then others, and maybe I really can’t do that!! 😉
Just ask my husband I mean business when it comes to running. Sometimes it may be good for me to just let go and quit being so uptight with my running, but until then….”I won’t do that….”
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What are somethings you just can’t trade when it comes to running? What can’t you do, even for love?
Love this! I feel the same about so many of those things! My husband totally knows 🙂
If I am in the middle of a training cycle, pretty much everything else (except my kids of course) goes on the back burner.It’s been my life for so long, that my family just gets it.
Totally get the speed thing – in a race I am all about business 🙂
And definitely not going out the night before a long run!
Have a great day!!
The things us runners do!! We are a funny, nerdy bunch