I can’t believe I am already doing a 6 month update for baby girl. How is it even possible she’s already half a year old?!
Everyday she surprises me and just when I didn’t think I could possibly love her anymore, well you know. Your kids become your world!!
Baby Girl,
You are 6 months old. Where has the time gone?! The past month you have been my study partner as I prepared for my exit exam. You offered me many study breaks, to diaper you, feed you, read to you and play with you.
You love your books and love to try to eat them. In fact, almost everything you grab goes straight to your mouth. You can get quite mad if something can’t reach your mouth that you want to eat.
You have been teething, but no signs of any teeth just lots of drool and chomping. You can get a little irritable because your mouth hurts, but we haven’t been using any thing but teething rings and cold wash cloths. Your a tough cookie.
I think you are going through a growth spurt, as you have been wanting to sleep a lot more throughout the day. If you don’t get your sleep you are a little bit grumpy, but only for about 15 minutes then it’s like you forgot you were sleepy.
You have started to chew on your feet!! And when we have shoes on you, you can’t quite figure out where your toes went.
You are moving, scoting backwards all over the place. Sometimes you’re completely turned around in your crib. Most the times I get you from your crib after napping you have those legs staight up in the air or your feet in your mouth.
You laugh at the most bizarre things, and your cousins really get you to laugh. We videoed it. You also love to talk to dad and I and are very animated too. You swing your arms, get real loud and wait for us to laugh and smile. Then you smile, make more faces and the cycle continues. I think you like to see us smile and laugh and you love making us laugh.
You now have a new bulldog face. That’s what your dad and I coined it. Your puff those cheeks, drool and starting snorting. It’s hilarious. You do it when you see something you want to chomp or to get our attention.
You love watching me cook dinner in your bumbo chair, while snorting and talking to me. You get really excited whenever I come to pick you up. You smile, open your mouth wide, stick your tongue out and scoot back or kick your legs like crazy.
Your back is getting stronger and stronger. You have almost mastered sitting up all by yourself. Still need more balance as you’re a little wobbling and when you get exited you flail yourself backwards.
Wearing 6-9 month clothes now. Some are a little loose but the length fits you perfectly, except for some pants which are already almost too short. Your 6 month checkup is really your 7 month checkup so we’ll since then how much you’ve grown.No bottle or sippy cup yet. For some reason you just spit the milk out, even though it’s my breast milk. We started solids a couple days ago, but your not quite sure what to think of them, especially the oatmeal cereal. I made them from scratch baby girl, so you should really try to like them. 😉
Still a sleeper and pretty consistent at waking by 6 a.m. every morning and bedtime at 7:30/8 p.m. You still do your morning nap and afternoon nap 2-3 hours. Grocery shopping with you is fun, because  you love people watching and all the colors. You talk to everyone. I think you are the loudest at church, right when it gets quiet.
 We took our first airplane ride on Friday to the East and you did fantastic. I read to you, you talked ALOT and loudly, and slept. Lots of travelers commented on how great you did and how cute you were. Now we are enjoying some sites in Boston before heading home. Love you baby girl!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
Any tips of feeding solids to your infant for the first time if it’s not their thing? Any tips for bottle or sippy cup use? Â The pediatrician suggested a sippy cup since the bottle isn’t working. We have been trying one feeding a day and tried oatmeal, homemade squash, peas, and carrots.Â
She is such a cutie pie! Have you looked into babyled weaning? Some kids do better if they can pick up and explore the food on their own. My daughter wasn’t a huge fan of puréed food so we just tried to cut up foods to an appropriate size and let her try it herself. Also have you tried Nuk brand sippy cups? I have lots of mommy friends that have had luck with those. Hope this helps!