Can you believe it?! I sure can’t!! My baby girl is already 18 months old. Looking at little baby clothes as we prepare for our second child has me finding it hard to believe R was ever that small. They grow so fast, and you hear it from everyone.
Maybe that’s why some of us get baby fever. I know I have it. Thank goodness all my siblings are popping out babies too!! There’s always a little baby around in the family. I feel R has grown up so much in the past 3 months. It’s as if every day she becomes more and more grown up. Now I know how my mom felt when I was miss independent!! That’s what I have on my hands folks.
R is my Miss Independent. She will no longer use her high chair. She has to sit at the table with us, so we finally invested in a booster chair. She only wants to drink from big girl cups or mom’s water bottle, even though it makes big messes. She will not sit in shopping carts, but rather would run EVERYWHERE!! Whatever mom is doing, she must at least try to do it. I love it, but it also makes me sad and exhausted.
She is great at listening (well for the most part), catches on fast, and is too smart for her age. She’ll put her toys away, grab her shoes and coat for me and puts them away, understands “bye-bye” (and is pretty demanding about meaning NOW), loves cars and trucks, feeds and diapers her baby doll, blows her own nose (if you can imagine), combs her own hair, brushes her own teeth. Let’s just say she wants to do it ALL by herself. Is this normal at this age?
I want her to enjoy being a kid, but for some reason I get the feeling she wants to grow up faster than she really needs to, which was my problem entirely. The only thing I would love for her to grow up and out of is tantrums!! Controlling her emotions….oh wait we as adults can barely do this 😉 Let’s just say there are days I don’t want to do any adulting, and I feel like she is the adult.
She throws tantrums and slams doors in my face. It’s like I have a tween on my hands. She’ll also unfolds all my laundry, or throws out all her cloth diapers when she gets mad at me. She knows what gets to my OCD personality!! Smart little one.
Then she can be the sweetest little cuddle bug, angel. She loves her night time stories, prayers and songs before bed. If you miss a song, she won’t go to bed. She loves her baths and loves to give kisses and hugs, when she wants to. Typically after naps, before bed and morning time or when I am sicker than a dog and throwing up because of this pregnancy. She loves mommy snuggles, and I love it too.
When the house is quiet, she’s lost in her books…..all of her books. You can hear her babbling to herself or singing to herself as she turns pages. My bookworm!!
She’s also serious and hard to make laugh. Most of the time she fake laughs just to make you happy, another wonderful trait from her mother. I try so hard to get an actual giggle from her and it can be exhausting to even try. She loves her animals, all of them. Dogs, cats, horses, birds, squirrels, cows, pigs, you name it she loves it!!
R is our little pride and joy. A nature lover, always wanting an adventure. Eats dirt, but loves her dresses for church. Makes her 4 year-old boy cousin cry, but then cuddles her baby to sleep. She’s rough and tough, and typically doesn’t get along with other little girls at the park, but would rather play with the little boys.
She still loves to eat, just about anything. Says new words everyday and amazes me with how much she already knows. Is climbing on everything and isn’t scared to run away at the park, in grocery stores, or crowded places. Sometimes I feel I need a child leash, I know what you’re thinking 😉
R loves babies and points them out everywhere we go. She is no longer nursing and didn’t even fuss about stopping. We stopped in March and I cried more than she did, oh wait she didn’t cry. We’re slowly learning potty training but not quite ready for the plunge.
R we love you and hope you never change!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit