I wanted to keep this tradition alive with my second child. I wrote letters to R throughout my pregnancy with her and continue to keep a journal to her now. I have begun writing to our little boy as well. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with writing to them both. Mainly I share what important events or little insights into their days, milestones they have, etc. It’s been fun. Occasionally I share my inner thoughts with them.
While pregnant with R, I faced a different type of pregnancy. It was an unplanned pregnancy so the emotions I felt were different than the emotions I am feeling now with this little one. In fact, I have more impatience in waiting for his arrival. I can’t wait for him to be born!!
It’s not to say I didn’t get excited for R’s arrival, because eventually I did and she changed our world, but it’s different when you plan a pregnancy, and when you don’t.
So here’s my open letter to our little boy:
“My little Jumping Bean
Yes, that’s what we call you. For many reasons!! You are active like your big sister, and constantly moving. At ultrasounds you are using my insides as a punching bag. You arms punching and legs kicking. It’s hard to believe you are already 27 weeks old. Time has begun to slow down. I feel my anticipation growing as we near your arrival, and the weeks seem to drag on.
We are excited to decorate your nursery. Once we are all settled into our new home, we’ll try to get your room done before your arrival. We hope you’ll feel right at home, and will enjoy sleeping as much as your big sister did and still does. That just makes things easier for Mom!! And Dad.
For months we tried to conceive and for months you weren’t ready to begin your journey. Finally, on a cold winter day in December you and God must have decided it was time. After many prayers and pregnancy tests, the lines appeared and my love for you started.
“For this child I have prayed and the Lord has granted the desires of my heart” – 1 Samuel 1:27
Every day the love grows and grows. From every kick I feel to every sleepless night, love, love, love. Your big sister points to the belly and plays with her baby doll trying to understand the news of a little brother. It may be hard for her the first few months, getting used to another member of the family. It’s always just been her, mom and dad. Don’t you worry, she’ll love you and she’ll become your best friend and your fearless leader. The 3 will become 4.
I am sure it will be rough at times growing up with a big, bossy sister, but over time you’ll learn to appreciate how she looks after you and how much she cares. Besides it will prepare you for later in life if you decide to marry. Let’s just hope that day is very far down the road. You’ll always have us on your side.
At times it’s scary to think I’ll have another wee little one running around. I barely have the energy for your big sister now. But I know that God has great plans for you and knew it was the perfect time to have you in our lives.
I hope you remember how much He loves you and how much we love you. Through your difficult times, challenges and trials, know that you are never alone. There’ll be laughter, smiles, tears, failures and pains in this life, but God’s promises are everlasting. His goodness is forever. His love never ending.
I know you’ll one day become a strong man and father, but you must not forget His great love for you. He’s always by your side. I pray you have your innocence for many years to come, even though it’s hard in the world we live in now. I pray you enjoy being young and free, and try not to grow up too fast.
In this ever changing world, I pray you’ll remain rooted in Christ. I pray you know and hear His voice, and you stand apart from society, not persuaded by the culture. You’ll know love and compassion and will be generous, kind, and loving towards others.
You’ll change lives little one. You already have. You are our gift and treasure. It’s a great big world out there, and your presence will be felt. May you always know your significance in our lives, to God and in this world. The world needs your talents and I pray you follow your dreams and passions and you use the gifts given to you for His kingdom purpose.
I love you baby boy!! I can’t wait to meet you,
Love Mom”
Papa and Nana already love you and eagerly await your entry into our lives!