This race can go both ways for me: it was fun, but then again it wasn’t fun. I always enjoy going back to Montana for this race and it’s my 8th year running it. I have done the full 4 times and now the half 4 times. I guess we have made this a family tradition now. I have never had a bad Missoula race, full or half, but this year was a bit different.
It started with a very restless night. One it’s become uncomfortable to sleep, and two, R decided that she didn’t want to sleep. It was well after 10 when she finally quieted down and then every hour she was up again. This never happens, unless she is sick. It was finally 3:30 ish when I fell asleep, only to be woken by the alarm at 4 a.m. for our race.
I didn’t let the lack of sleep get to me. I was determined to have a great race and not to let lack of sleep ruin it, little did I know it wouldn’t have been a factor anyways. Marc actually was in a good mood for lack of sleep and made the dark morning fun.
We basically spent most of the morning in line for a port-a-pottie, since we left later for the buses. With 10 minutes to spare we dropped our clothes and made our way to the starting line.
The first few miles were tough as my legs begin to loosen up. They felt so heavy and tight. After a few miles they finally loosened up. It was nice to have a downhill the first few miles to help loosen the legs at a comfortably fast pace. I keep my pace around 7:20/7:30 the first 8 miles of the race. As the race progressed the back pain settled in and my sciatic pain.
By mile 9 I was in so much pain I could barely breathe. I somewhere lost/left Marc around mile 9. He was losing a toenail and out of shape, but he said he kept me in his sights. The pain increased the longer I ran, but I knew that if I stopped it would be worse and I would need someone to come and get me unless I hobbled the last 4 miles. My pace slowly got slower and by the end of the race I was at a 9:12 pace.
Individuals were passing me left and right, but I was able to clip off a few individuals in the last 3 miles. It was making it difficult to have fun seeing my pace decrease, runners pass me and the pain increase. I wanted to quit and maybe should have, because now I am paying for it. (I still am not able to run). The last mile dragged on. I kept forcing a smile to relax myself and to try to make the race experience better. I offered myself some slack being 32+ weeks pregnant.
I was to the point of being irritated whenever a spectator said almost there, it’s all downhill from here, your so close. I have done this race enough to know it’s not all downhill, because there’s a slight hill to the finish as you finish on a bridge. Could be why in the photos I was rarely smiling but more wincing from pain.
Finally mile 12 came and I was determined to get to the finish. Knowing there were a few turns left I kept digging. Each step shooting pain down my leg and making my lower back worse.
seriously worst race photos EVER!!
I crossed the finish line and tried to walk, which was extremely difficult. I almost needed to keep running. I hobbled to the food with Marc once he crossed soon after me. We grabbed our gear bags, water and the great post race food from the Good Food Store, and then got our finisher photo. Headed back to our hotel to see R and my mom.
R was just getting up and ready to eat breakfast. Perks of an early am race in a different time zone. I was in so much pain, I needed help getting up, getting out of the car and into the car, bending over, basically do anything. I had never experienced this type of pain (besides child birth) and was hopeful the next day I would be nearly 100%, besides I had a fun race planned for Tuesday night, a few days after the race.
Missoula Half Marathon Recap at 32+ weeks Pregnant #run #pregnantrunning Share on XWell still haven’t been able to run, but I have been able to bike/spin and do some strength moves that don’t aggravate the back. Still enjoyed racing and don’t regret doing it, even though I am now barely walking and doing massage and chiro work to fix whatever the problem is. My total time was 1:42:49. Not the sub 1:40 I was shooting for, but I’ll take it.
Marc looked strong running in though 😉
Hoping I will be back and running soon!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
what determination to finish a race and for that I applaud you!