Happy Wednesday!!
Ever feel like you don’t know how you are getting through the weeks? Well, with lack of sleep and the energy depletion from chasing around a busy toddler who is curious and think she is helping with baby, has been like whoa!! Someone HELP ME!!
Okay, maybe that’s being a little dramatic, but I have been running on some caffeine. I have been drinking more and more coffee, and I don’t even like coffee, just to feel more awake. I don’t want to become dependent on it, and when I say drinking more, I mean a few cups a week. Nothing major, but still. I need to go back to my matcha green teas instead.
Yep, LJ is already 1 month old. Actually it happened a few days ago. So I thought I would share an update and an easy refreshing drink.
“Baby Boy,
You are mastering sleeping a lot through the day and liking to eat lots at night. It’s made mom tired and in haze most of the day. Some days I don’t know how I keep up with your sister. It’s great you are nursing so well, eating every 3-4 hours during the day, and about the same during the night.
You have been sleeping 4-5 hours in one stretch at night time, going down around 7:30/8 p.m. and waking at 12/12:30 a.m., then again at 3:30/4:30 a.m., and again in between 6-7:30 a.m. Better than what it was a few weeks ago. Since you have some reflux, we keep your bassinet elevated and I keep you elevated in my arms before putting you down, which makes feedings last a bit during the night. But we are getting by. God supplies His grace and rest!! Amen to that!!
During the day, I try to keep you up from 5-7 p.m, and you have an awake time in the morning as well, staying up for about 2 hours. Night time you are a little fussy. I think it’s because you get tired and just want to sleep. You took a bottle for the first time, so your dad and I could go out for our anniversary. Aunt Cassie, said you downed it and wanted more. Glad you may not fight the bottle like your sister did.
You are a very observant little guy, taking everything in. You love to stare and observe everything around you. Your big sister loves playing with you on your floor mat, and you are liking it more and more. You like your swing, and are great with tummy time, compared to your sister.
At your 2 week appointment you weighed 7lbs 14oz. I weighed you at one month and you are now 8lbs 12 ounces, almost 9 pounds my little guy. You are gaining nicely. You are 22 and a quarter inches long as well.
LJ, you love your carseat, making it easy to go places and we have been going lots of places with cross country in full swing. You sleep through the meets, while everyone adores you.
I can’t believe a month has flown by. You’ve changed so much and it looks like you’ll have blue eyes as well. I am excited for this!! You have some blonde hair as well, and more is coming in. You did get some baby acne, but it is going away.
Mom is trying to gain weight, since she lost way more than she gained with you. It’s been tough. None of my clothes fit any more. The only thing that’s gotten bigger is my boobs. I had to pump for relieve the first few weeks, but I have slowed with this, because I don’t want to produce a surplus (it’s too many calories to have to make up). The freezer has a nice supply of breast milk though.
I am feeling great and back to running. Just doing easy runs, at an easy pace and only 3-4 miles. May do 5 miles this weekend. The incision looks great and the healing ridge is getting smaller. It’s great to be back running again, but I have to take it easy with my SI sprain. I don’t want it to flare up full force.
We love you baby boy, and we are slowly transitioning to being a family of 4. We also got a dog on Monday, because I love to add to the craziness!! He’s a great dog, 4 years old and loves you all already. We are so thankful for my friend for giving him to us, and I am excited for a running partner in those dark mornings when I have to go out by myself. His name is Manu and he’s a German Short Haired Pointer, beautiful dog. I finally convinced your daddy.
Lots of love!! ”
Now for a great refreshing drink, high in healthy fats and sweetened naturally by the fruit. It’s only 3 ingredients, and takes 5 minutes to prepare. It’s a Malaysian inspired drink from my Malaysian friend. It’s rich and tastes great post run. I like the healthy fats it has, which has been great for me and baby. You can blend it with ice, if you don’t like the honeydew chunks.
Honeydew Coconut Slush
Prep: 5 minutes
- Honeydew, halfed & seeded
- 1 can coconut milk (not the cream)
- nutmeg
- Ice, optional
Directions: Using an ice cream scoop, scoop honeydew into a pitcher, making rounded balls or you can cut in small cubes. You only need half the honey dew. Pour in the coconut milk, and store in the fridge to chill, or add some crush ice. Sprinkle each individual cup with nutmeg and serve. Enjoy
Servings: 4-6
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit