Happy Monday Friends!!
I have to say running is becoming a little more difficult. Ever since the Missoula Half Marathon, I have had horrible pressure from the weight of the baby. It’s kind of sad the baby is barely 2 pounds and I am already experiencing such horrible pain. It makes running interesting, but I am determined to go out and do it.
I find myself a little bit short winded when going up stairs and doing my regular strength routine, but I love that I am blessed with good health. I thought I would share a workout that I like to do consistently through pregnancy. These are great moves to help keep the core strong and help with strengthening the pelvic muscles.
My 26 weeks bump update
Even if you aren’t pregnant, these are great strength moves to incorporate into your routine. I mix it up nearly every week so I don’t get bored, but I try to do these moves more consistently to build strength in the areas that will be utilized during pregnancy and labor.
Below you’ll find my workouts for upper body, lower body, core and total body. Each set should only take 10 minutes. If you have 30-45 minutes do them all!! You can hold each exercise for 1 minute, which is what I normally do, or start with 30 seconds and work your way up.
If you don’t know an exercise I provided visuals and links at the end of the post, but most should be common. All you need are some 5 – 10 pound weights and some energy 😉 Go get em’.
Upper Body
I like to do my bicep curls balancing on one leg to add more strength into it; I then balance on the other leg while doing shoulder press.
Lower Body
Total Body
Visuals and Descriptions:
I provided some descriptions for some of the exercises that may not be familiar. Enjoy my modeled visuals 😉 (super awkward)
Fire Hydrant Crunch –Â Come down onto all fours. Turn your hips out so you are facing forward (or on right knee, left leg off ground), keeping knee underneath hip and hand under shoulder. Bring left knee to left elbow, then extend back out. Repeat for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then switch sides.
Around World – Start in a seated position on the floor or mat. Place hands directly behind your butt, palms facing down and fingertips slightly under butt. Lift legs off of ground and make circles starting clockwise, then switch directions and go counter clockwise. Keep legs together and core engaged.
Twisted Plank – Start in high plank, with feet hip width apart and hands directly under shoulders. Bring right knee to left elbow then back to ground. Take left knee to right elbow, then back down. Keep repeating left to right, right to left, for 30 seconds – 1 minute. It’s kind of like a mountain climber, but opposite knee to elbow.
Cat-Cow – Come down onto all fours, keeping back straight. Round back like a cat, pulling navel to spine and inhaling. Exhale as you curve you back and look up. Engage the core at all times. **This is great for strengthening the core for labor.
Pike Push-Ups – Come into Downward Dog. Bring head to ground for a pushup, then back up. The further your feet are a part, and the closer to your hands the harder the pushup. Great for the triceps.
Single Leg with Rows – The higher the leg the harder the move (Click on the name for a link)
Squat with Shoulder press – This is basically a squat throwing in a shoulder press. Start with feet hip width apart and weights in hands. Bring weights to shoulders as you squat down. On your way back up, press weights to the ceiling for a shoulder press.
Plank with arm and leg raises – Start in plank position, on your elbows. Slowly alternate raising one leg off the ground and hold for 3-5 seconds, then one arm, repeating on both sides from legs to arms. This helps add more resistance to your plank and builds strength. Make sure to keep you butt down and your core engaged.
Chair pose with row kickbacks – Click this link for full description.
Hope you all had a great weekend!!
Until Next Time Be Whole, Be Fit and Be Strong
What are some of your favorite strength moves or workouts?
These are great workouts Bry!! Some I do with my prenatal Pilates DVD. Thanks for the workouts!!
First & foremost, you look gorgeous at 26 weeks. Secondly, I am bookmarking this page for when I can begin working out again 🙂
Ah Thank you Jessie!! it was definitely hard to workout in the first trimester because of the morning sickness. Can’t wait to watch your journey with the twins!!
Thanks so much for this! My trainer has been on vacation and my pre pregnancy workout was way too intense to keep up- your workout is great! I’m totally taking this one right to the gym! And by the way- you look amazing!!
Thank you so much Patty. I am glad I could help. Hope you enjoy the workout.
I found your site through a pinterest link. I can’t wait to get started on these! I’m 13 weeks along and need to start working out. These ideas are definitely going to give me a starting point. Thank you for sharing. I’m just wondering if you know or can tell me how long these are safe for. Can I keep doing them right up until Baby makes her arrival or will I need to find a new plan once I get to the third trimester?
These should be safe to do through your third trimester. Some may feel uncomfortable but others not. It’s based on how you feel. I did them up until delivery, as most of these exercises are great for strengthening the muscles needed for labor.