I don't know why my child think he needs to grow so fast. For some reason my little man is speeding through his life. I look down and I don't even remember what he looked like as a just born infant. I try to slow down time, make moments last, but it just doesn't happen. Before … [Read more...]
3 Months Update
Somebody pinch me!! It is as if I woke up one morning and both my children were so grown up. R more a big kid then a toddler, and little man more a toddler than an infant. He's changed so much in the past month and already getting so big. So it's that time all ready, another … [Read more...]
LJ’s 2 Month Update
Happy Friday, Going to end the week with another kid's update. LJ turned 2 months over a week ago, and I thought it would be fun to share how he is growing and doing, and this way one day he can look back on it. It seems they change so much in only a month, and he doesn't seem … [Read more...]