It’s Friday so it’s time for another pregnancy update. Today marks my 27th week and the last week of my second trimester. It’s crazy to think I will start my last trimester and 7th month next week.
27 Week Bump Update
Symptoms: Ever since the Missoula Marathon there’s been horrible pressure and pain in my pelvic area. The tendons and ligaments are hurting from the baby’s weight. My doctor said it’s not going to go away until the baby comes, so that’s fun. It makes lunges and running so hard!! Also, still have those dang calve cramps.
Baby’s Size: She is nearly 2 pound and around 14 1/2 inches long. At the appointment yesterday, she had a great heartbeat and everything looked great.
Maternity Clothes: I broke out some Old Navy tanks I bought for the pregnancy a while back, but I haven’t gotten any actual maternity clothes. Still enjoying wearing all my regular clothes.
Belly Button: It’s nearly entirely out. It kind of creeps me out.
Stretch Marks: None so far….crossing my fingers
Sleep: I slept good last night, but in general I am usually so restless at night & find it hard to fall asleep and get comfortable.
Miss anything: Running without pressure and pain, man that was great. Also, feeling less tired and winded.
Cravings: None really. I do crave something cold, but I think that’s because of the heat here lately. That’s why my freezer is stocked with frozen berries and homemade ice creams.
Aversions: Nothing currently.
Looking Forward to: Getting the nursery ready. We have the crib, changing table and dresser ordered that my parents got us. Excited to have it arrive. We have some major re-arranging to do to make room for the little girl. Also looking forward to my shower in Montana in a couple of weeks and a nice vacation at the lake after.
What I’m loving: Loving how much the little bean moves and being able to see her move.
Workouts: Just not the same. It’s a little more painful because of the pressure and pain in my pelvic area, but I still love working out. I have learned to listen to my body and slow it down or cut it short if it’s hurting too much.
I hope you all enjoy a great weekend!! I am excited to have some time with friends and with my nephews. Those two always brighten my day. My nephew Micah was mad at me on Wednesday, because when he was Skyping me (yes we Skype when they only live 20 minutes away) he kept saying “Bry Bry bye bye” meaning Bry Bry coming to see me. And I had to tell him no. It didn’t go over very well, so my sister said I better come soon. Broke my heart.
Gotta go thought because the nephew is calling me. 😉
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
Oh May goodness can’t wait for you come to see us.. Lol