For Bean’s baby book I have been writing little letters throughout the last couple of weeks. I wish I would have started sooner. They are letters outlining what’s going on in her dad and I’s world, certain emotions I am feeling, our anticipation, day to day activities and about her little kicks and progress. It’s been fun.
I wanted to share one letter that it is more for her to have to remind her how beautiful and important she is. We all know that sometimes this world can be cruel, so encouraging words are always needed. Marc will have a letter for her as well.
“Dear Baby Girl,
It is only weeks before we get to finally meet you and finally hold you in our arms. You probably won’t be reading this letter any time soon, and maybe I will read it to you before you can ever read, but I do hope at some point you’ll cherish my words. I have so much I want to tell you, but I know I have many years to do so, so I won’t try to write it all down here.
Your Daddy and I are anxiously awaiting your arrival. The last couple of weeks have been spent preparing your room and our hearts, and making sure we have all that we need for your transition into this new world. We already know the world is going to be blessed, as well as your dad and I’s lives.
I wasn’t always so anxious and excited for your arrival. It took me awhile to fully accept and anticipate your arrival. To understand that you were a precious gift. It took me some time before I really, truly felt I could do this. I could be your mom and role model. I could help to raise you into a beautiful woman of God. In today’s world, it’s no small feat.
You see you are our gift. And everyone knows that an early gift is so much better than no gift or a late gift. I just didn’t realize this right away.
You see our world needed you. We needed you to help draw your daddy and I closer together as a married couple. We needed you to help to increase our faith and dependence on God, and not ourselves. To know it is “His will” not our own. To teach us how precious life is, and how blessed our family will be. To teach us an important lesson in trusting Him.
I read you many bible stories while in utero in hopes of instilling in you, very early on, God’s Love and Promises. I want you to always know how beautiful, talented and loved you are. God created you with intention and purpose. He knew what He was doing when He sent you here. I want you to always remember that you are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” That every fiber of you being was carefully thought out. In our eyes and in the eyes of our Heavenly Father you are beautiful, brave and strong.
You have a purpose and a destiny. God has great plans for your life and it is my prayer that you will seek His will and purpose for your life. That you will trust in Him all your days, and lean not on your own understanding, but on His.
You will have trials and failures, but know that God is always by your side and your family is always going to be there to support you, encourage you, and believe in you. Never give up on the desires God has placed in your heart. The passions you have. No matter how hard the challenges are, never give up. Because if you do, you are giving up on the destiny God has for you and His very best for you. Remember His ways are higher than our ways.
It is my prayer you will seek His will and will seek Him for answers. It’s a great big world out there, and my prayer is that you always remember the truths of His Word.
I am excited to see all your many talents and how you will use them for His Kingdom purpose. How you will bless others, encourage others and inspire others. How you will change the world.
You have worth and value, never forget this. You are a strong woman, who is confident and brave. Remind yourself of this every day. You are unique and created in His image. Your uniqueness brings more to our world, so do not ever hide your unique qualities and true personality.
I love you sweet baby girl, and I hope you always know how treasured you are. I hope you will someday understand that God’s timing is always the best timing. That His plans are always better and His gifts always bigger. Your dad and I our trust His plan.
After all you were a gift from God, a miracle. Your Dad and I our thankful we have been blessed by you. By your many smiles, your sweet voice, your laughter, your love, your personality and your talents.
We can’t wait to see all the places you’ll go,
Love Mom”
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
This is such a sweet precious letter and I’m sure it will help encourage her in the years to come. 🙂
Thank you Kristie!!