Now that baby is going to be here soon, I have started to think ahead for races. Actually, I have had races in mind for a while now. I did have to alter my racing schedule a lot when I found out I was pregnant, delaying some races.
I wanted to share my upcoming races or those that I am planning on doing in 2015. I can’t believe we are approaching 2015 already. And you know me, I like to plan ahead. Hopefully this year there are no more surprises ;)…..
Everyone has their dream races they want to do, and since I have already done Boston 3 times now, I decided I can move on to my other top races (even though it holds a special place in my heart). These top races include Marine Corps Marathon, Portland Marathon, Virginia Beach Marathon, New York Marathon, Chicago Marathon, Boston to Big Sur (this is set for 2016), and the Santa Barbara International Marathon. Yes I know I have many, and this doesn’t even come close to all the races I have a desire to do. It’s safe to say runcations are in our future!!
My race schedule for 2015:
- March 2015 (usually first weekend) – Snake River 1/2
- March 21, 2015 – Rapid Rabbit 5 mile (an easy local race)
- April 11, 2015 – Hope Run Spokane 10k
- April 26, 2015 – Spokane River Run, 25K
- May 3, 2015 – Bloomsday
- May 24, 2015 – Coeur d’Alene ½ Marathon
- June 13, 2015 – Seattle Rock’n’Roll ½ Marathon
- July 12, 2015 – Missoula Marathon – This race is a tradition & I have done it 6 times.
- August 1, 2015 – Elkhorn Hurl Endurance 50k (I planned on this race for 2014, then pregnancy happened)
- September 26, 2015 – Priest Lake 50K (I was planning on this race for 2014 but with pregnancy it didn’t happen) Maybe I convince Marc to do this as our anniversary run…..;)
- October 25, 2015 – Marine Corps Marathon – I am super excited for this race. I have wanted to do it for years!! This will be my “big” race for the year!!
I am sure there’ll be other races thrown in there somewhere, such as 5k’s or 10k’s. I realize my first marathon back from pregnancy isn’t for a while, but I figure this gives me time to build my speed and base. It will be weird not training for a Spring marathon though. I usually always have a few Spring marathons. Can’t say I will miss those long 22 mile, snowy runs though….
…..Especially dressed as ninja’s….who am I kidding I will still be doing snowy runs, just maybe not 20 miles 😉
I can’t wait to begin running again after baby. It will be a whole new experience I am sure, especially compared to running while pregnant. I don’t know if there’s much I will miss from running during pregnancy. It was fun sharing the experiences with baby girl, but having my old body back (or at least as close to possible) is much anticipated.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What are your dream races? Any race plans for 2015? Any races I should add to my list?
You have some good races in both your lists. My dream races are: Boston (need to qualify first), Maui Oceanfront Marathon (probably just an excuse to go to Hawaii) and the Athens Marathon (run the original which is enough said). I don’t have any permanent races planned yet but thinking I will do the Coeur d’Alene Half and a Spartan Sprint with my hubby, I also want to do some trail races. I would like to do a full marathon too maybe Portland or Tri-Cities since it’s super flat… not sure. I don’t seem to race a lot but I enjoy it, it’s just hard logistically to do it for me. Excited to hear about your come back races, I’m sure you will rock them!!
You’ll love Boston!! It’s an amazing race. Ooo the Athens marathon sounds amazing!! That will be added to my list for sure. I haven’t done the CdA half yet, so I wanted to run it. You should run it!! Portland is on my list, because I think it would be beautiful time of year in the fall.