Now that I have been a mom for over 3 months, I feel like I can offer some advice and wisdom to new moms and maybe even to moms who have been moms for a while, but are expecting their 2nd child. I know I am new to the party of motherhood, but I have learned so much in the past 3 months, which I honestly never even thought of.
There was so much that was surprising about being a mom, even though I had nannied for years, taken care of younger cousins, and my nephews. I hope these tips can help moms transition into being a mom, and can help moms not sweat the small stuff.
- Invest in a breast pump or hand pump: Especially if you aren’t doing formula. Even if you plan on staying home with the baby, this is a wise investment. If you are engorged believe me you’ll want to pump some for relief. I know I was thankful to have both on hand. There may be times you want someone else to watch the baby for a couple of hours, and you’ll need to pump so baby has something to eat.
- Don’t worry about the dirty house: If you can’t get to the dusting, vacuuming and bathrooms, don’t sweat it. You are a new mom, and a baby takes a lot of your time. It’s a misconception that baby is going to sleep all the time and you’ll have so much free time (yes baby does sleep, but sometimes it’s only an hour at a time). In reality you spend most your time feeding and changing diapers. It’s exhausting.
(Product of food prepping, I know scary, even the OCD neat freak has a dirty house sometimes 😉 ) - Leave the house without baby: All moms need this; a time for themselves. I use my runs for my alone time, and other times I go out with my sister and our husbands watch the kids. Sometimes we are only gone for 45 minutes, because that’s all the time we have, but it’s some of the best 45 minutes I have ever hand!! Or I do quick coffee dates with the man.Â
- Rest when baby rests: You have probably heard this before, but it’s really something you should consider. I definitely don’t do enough of this, and exhaustion is how I pay for it. It’s not a bad thing to take catnaps while baby is sleeping…remember the house can wait.
- Ask someone else to get your groceries for the first month: Toting around a new baby when getting groceries is hard. You are already tired from lack of sleep and this takes more energy. Have a list and ask the husband to grab the errands or a friend. Or at least have someone go with you for an extra hand.
- Have meals prepared before baby arrives: Frozen meals are lifesavers, because the first month is really tough as you transition to all the new changes motherhood brings. The last thing you are up for doing is cooking. I should have done this, but didn’t. Thankfully I hand my mom here to help. It was one less thing to worry about.
- Have all the diapers and wipes you need for a couple months: If you use disposable diapers and wipes, stock up with size 1 & size 2, because baby will plow through them the first month & typically grows out of newborn size fairly quickly. Seriously, all they are doing is eating, sleeping and pooping. If you use clothe, as I do, stock up on detergent!!
- Try Swaddling: I found that baby loved this, because it keeps them tight while sleeping, which is what they are used to from the womb. I did this for the first 3 months, and baby girl slept long hours through the night. It could help baby sleep longer.
- Always have water with you & drink up: Water is going to help keep your breast milk supply up, so if you are breast feeding, it’s a must. Stay hydrated and take a bottle with you whenever you leave the house.
- When there’s blow outs, remove the onesie by sliding off the bum: I didn’t know that this was possible, but this is why there’s the cuts in the shoulders of onesies (my hubby shared the tip). When there’s poop all up the back, simply fold shoulders of onesie down and slide off, instead of pulling over the head, and risking poop getting everywhere. So much easier!!
Being a mom is so rewarding, but it takes time to adjust to the new journey. And I am still trying to figure it all out. Everyday I feel I learn more and I hope by sharing with others I can make it a bit easier. 🙂
Until Next Time Be Whole & Be Fit
What are your tips for new moms? What made it easier for you?
The last tip I just learned too. I told my parents and let’s minds were blown all around. I even used it the other day ata resturant.
I didn’t know that about the onesie! Too late for me, but good to know. I used a grocery delivery service for a long time after my twins were born– I still occasionally use it if I’m in a pinch. Great tips Bry.
Oh gosh Lisa that would be amazing (grocery delivery service), especially since you already had one at home when the twins were born!!
Great list! As a mom of 3 kiddos I can relate to a lot of these ideas. I still prepare a lot of freezer meals and they are life savers!
Angie, I am sure with 3 kiddos prepped meals are a life saver!! Especially when life hands you surprises.