Every time I pack for a trip I always say I won’t pack as much, but some how I always pack just as much or even more. I always make an excuse that “well you never know what you’re going to need.”
I realized in life sometimes we tend to pack more than we really need in many different areas of our lives. We say we are just going to let it go, but some how it keeps coming back. Just as all the extra bags we carry while traveling aren’t really needed, as much as I say “you just never know what you’ll need.” In reality you don’t ever need the extra stuff.
I find this is so true in my own life. All the extra baggage so to speak I carry through life with me is not needed. This baggage could include worry, unforgiveness, stress, fear, anger, bitterness, depression, sadness, etc. I know I have been carry some extra weight around with me. I guess I don’t pack lightly in many different ways, when I go on trips and in life in general.
My husband is always making comments on how much I always have to pack. I think it’s gotten better, but then I had a kid and I accumulated even more bags to load around. I also started carrying around more “baggage” in my personal life when I had a child as well. Worry being one of my extra bags.
Eventually the weight gets to be too much for me, but for some reason it’s hard to just let it go, even though it’s not needed. It is in no way benefiting me. I began to realize this even more when I packed for my trip home to Montana. I was annoyed with myself and all the stuff I had to bring. All the baby stuff, that I haven’t even touched, just had to come.
I began to ask myself “Why? Why do I do this to myself? Why do I pack so much?” I then asked the same question to myself regarding all of lives “baggage.” Why am I packing around any jealousy, unforgiveness and bitternes? Why I am still allowing myself to carrying around stress and worry? None of this is needed or used for my benefit.
I decided that I need to start learning how to pack more lightly, lighten my load. I need to get rid of so many negative emotions and all the baggage that is doing nothing but hurt me. I need to learn to give it all to God, let it go. Pack more lightly.
It’s hard to let go, even though it does nothing but causes more harm to us. For some reason we continue to let unforgiveness, bitterness, anger, jealousy,fear, and anxiety weigh us down. Maybe it’s because we have carried it around so long, we get used to it all. Just as we get used to all the heavy bags we load around on trips.
I’ve decided I want to let go. I want to pack more lightly, not just on trips, but in life. I only want to carry around happiness, love, kindness, grace, patience and compassion, because these don’t cause unnecessary weight. These emotions are always needed and won’t weigh me down. They bring life. They build up.
I am learning to pack only what I need and will use, only what will help to benefit me and others. So I am throwing out any jealousy, bitterness, forgiveness, anxiety and impatience. I am unpacking those bags and getting rid of the unnecessary weight. It may be a slow process, but I will continue to try letting go every day.
I only want what I need, because the extra baggage only works to steal our happiness, dreams, destiny, and fun. It wreaks havoc in relationships and causes pain. So here’s to packing more lightly and living with less weight.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What are you packing around that isn’t needed? Are you a light packer?
It definitely takes practice to be a light packer! I’m guilty of over-packing, for sure. Thanks for opening up to us today in this honest post. Hope you have a great day!
Wow, it’s so funny how God works because this has been on my heart too!! Especially the worry part, my kids mean so much to me and I’ve been praying and asking God to help me give them over to Him and not be consumed with anxious thoughts about their well being. I know He gave them to me to steward and grow up and return to Him but sometimes I feel overwhelmed with the responsibilities that come with being a mother. Thanks again for the encouragement in this area it’s so much better to have a light load. :). (I also do the same thing with packing for a trip, lol)
Worry is my greatest weakness. I allow worry to consume me at times, and it causes so many negative emotions. Working on my load 😉