My week back home in Montana was definitely needed. It was eventful for sure and so much happened. I learned a lot about myself while there and also learned areas I needed to work on.
I have always been a self motivated individual, who is dedicated to achieving results in all areas of my life. In some respects this can be an area of weakness, instead of strength. I decided that there are areas of my life that I am not as dedicated as I would like to be.
I will wake up early to run, 4 a.m., 5 a.m. you name the time, I will run. I make time for running, because of my dedication and love of running, even if it means 5 hours of sleep. Through wind, snow, rain and sub zero temperatures I am running. When I am congested, extremely tired, sore, crabby, happy, hungry, stuffed, whatever it is, I will still run.
While in Montana the temperatures were cold at times. For some in my family too cold for running. They said I was crazy or made comments like “I wish I was as dedicated as you” or “I don’t know how you do it.” My mom said over and over again, “She’s a dedicated woman.” While it’s true of running, it’s not true of one area in my life I felt convicted about.
While I am dedicated to running, even if it’s -5, I realized I don’t show this much dedication to my daily devotions and my study of the Word. I realized I just didn’t want to be known for being dedicated to my sport, family and health. I want to be known for my dedication to God above all, and lately many other things have come before Him.
For some this may not be important, but for me it is. I want to begin to show the same amount or more dedication to studying the Word of God, and spending time in prayer and worship. Attending church once a week isn’t enough for me.
I need to show more dedication to studying the Word and reading my bible than I do running, because my spiritual life is what drives the rest of my life. It gives me encouragement, teaches me discipline, gives me wisdom, direction and peace, calms my fears, instills compassion and love, and propels me forward to my destiny.
If I can make time to run just about any time of day, in any weather conditions, under any circumstance, I can make time to read my Bible and be in His presence. Dedicating time to His Word, brings life and renewal, strength and less worry and doubt, and rest. In my times of weakness, I can find strength.
So I have decided I need to make time for a new dedication, and by doing so I will begin to see positive changes in other areas of my life. I call the Word of God food for the soul and mind, and lately I haven’t been properly fed.
I have always had a personality that is driven, motivated and determined. I put my mind to something, and work at it until I achieve the results I hoped for. From straight A’s in high school, to honors in college, to leadership roles in the work place to being the best mom and wife I can possibly be. New revelations have shown me that all the positive results from my past, were followed by putting God first in my life.
Being a better wife, mom and runner requires an attitude of selflessness, patience, commitment, and endurance. This all comes from pursuing Jesus. I am running “with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith” – Hebrews 12:1-2
I have learned that staying dedicated requires discipline. Really, disciplined and dedicated are nearly one in the same. Discipline takes practice and time. I am dedicated to running, because I love running and it gives me my alone time, a time that offers balance and stress relief. I am dedicated to my family, because I love them and want to serve them. I am dedicated to my health, because I want to live a long life free of sickness and disease. And finally I am dedicated to God, because I love him and want to spend eternity with Him.
Just being real and vulnerable, and sharing my current feelings. I am learning to become dedicated in my relationship with God and to allow myself to make more time for Him.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What are you dedicated to? How do you stay dedicated?
It sounds like your time in Montana was a space for you to reflect and grow. I greatly appreciate your dedication to both running and God. Sometimes we have these defining moments in our lives that propel us to change. I feel relived that you have found an answer. Be gentle to yourself my sweet friend. Wrapping my arms around you.
Thank you Lisa!!
Great post!! I’ve been convicted of this as well and started the new year with this revelation. I believe God is working in His children’s hearts to form a strong bond through intimacy with Him through His Word and prayer. Encouraging to hear your thoughts and I admire your introspection.