Ever had a friend that is so hard to make laugh? One of those eggs you just can’t crack. Or maybe your spouse is always so serious. Or maybe you’re the one that can never laugh. Maybe it’s become to hard to laugh, because of stress, too many challenges, hurts or your just tired. I have a little serious on my hands.
I now know how my poor family feel with me. My sister brought it to my attention she hasn’t heard me laugh in so long. She said I am always so serious. What cracks me? I said it can’t be that bad. Why does it matter if I don’t laugh? Who really cares.
Then entered what I like to call “my little serious” and I realized how annoying and frustrating it is to try to get someone to laugh and can’t. No matter how hard I have tried, R is unbreakable. I have seen her laugh a handful of times since she’s been born. It’s been over a year, and my child doesn’t laugh. 3 times she’s laughed in her life.
You know those contagious giggles babies have?! Those giggles that make you smile, even on the worst of days. My R doesn’t giggle. No contagious giggles from her. She’s just as serious as her mother, and she’s only a child. I tickle her and tickler her, and yet no chuckle, no giggles, just a bit of a grin and frustrated groans. I play hide’n’seek, make funny faces, doing funny dances, tried it all. Nothing cracks her.
Maybe she’s not the only little serious around, but it irks me like no other. I just want to hear her laugh more and know that she is happy and enjoying life. Then I got to thinking about myself, and my lack of laughter. I feel as I age, I laugh less. I let stress and fear cloud my happiness at times, and laughing begins to feel like too much of a chore. Some days there isn’t anything to laugh about. I am exhausted from running around after my little serious, cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, and sometimes even the funniest of movies can’t break me.
You know something is funny if I snort when I laugh. A snort in my laugh, is a true laugh. It used to be common to hear my snort, but now snorting is far and few behind. For some people laughing is easy, almost second nature. I am not one for faking laughing anymore. I used to be all about the fake laughs, but everyone saw through those fake, snortless laughs.
R has a fake laugh. It’s barely audible and barely even a fake laugh. I don’t want her fake laugh, I rather have her REAL laugh. I know when she’s faking, it’s easy to tell. She’s my little serious. Already serious about life. And for once I am quoting everyone else and telling her “Don’t be so serious all the time, after all you are just a kid.”
I want my little serious to enjoy life. Find joy, laugh and show her few teeth grin. Maybe I need to take my own advice and learn to laugh again. Even laugh my way through the challenges and bad days. It first begins with just a smile, after all it takes more muscles to frown. 😉 Maybe I will never know why my baby girl doesn’t want to laugh. Why she’s already so serious, but I do know that I want her to have joy, not happiness. Why not happiness? Because happiness is a feeling and feelings can come and go. I want more joy and I want R to have joy as well.
Maybe she’ll learn by example. I’ll start to bring back the real laughter, learning to be less serious about everything. Bring back some joy. Learn to snort again. Enjoy my life a little more. Relax….I guess Mom’s can do that….?! Still learning how too. What better time to bring back some cheer than the holidays too.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit……..and start laughing!!
Do you have a little serious on your hands? Ever find it hard to laugh?