A late Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing MOMS!! It was so fun being with my little family. We enjoyed a longer hike, longer than we had anticipated, but it was beautiful and the weather was great.
R was a trooper too, but finally after 6 miles of hiking conked out. I was impressed with her though. She was very awed by all the trees, water, waterfalls, and animals. Everything amazes that little girl, and I love that about her. She loves being outside. The last mile she wanted in on the action and ran it in, while stopping to admire every rock, piece of grass, or stick along the way. Lets just say it was the longest mile of the 8+ mile hike.
To honor my mom on Mother’s Day, and since I couldn’t be in her presence, I wanted to share an open letter to my mom, a woman who has inspired me from day one and continues to inspire me daily. I owe my mommy skills to her. I want all moms to know how appreciated they are, and how much value they have. Whether you have one kid or 6 kids, you are an amazing MOM and have one of the toughest [or I’d argue the toughest] job on the planet.
“To My Dearest Mom,
Happy Mother’s Day!! Where to even begin. I look back on my 20+ years as your daughter and know I was and I am blessed.
You were more than just my mom. You were my best friend, my comforter, my encourager, my inspiration, my rock and sometimes my strength. You modeled the love of Jesus in all that you did and you continue to do so. I hope to one day be as loving and forgiving towards others as you are.
I admire your strength and humility in loving those who mock you, dislike you, make fun of you and who are so hateful towards you. I rarely hear you utter a negative word about anyone. You respond in love, and I want you to know I was watching you and your actions. I watched how you responded in love, when I wanted to do just the opposite. I watched your humility and strength in being silent when others hurt you, while you blessed them and prayed for them.
I watched how you stood up for your values and rights, when others would hide away. I watched you share the gospel with more than I can count, strangers, friends and family. I watched you pray for strangers, for friends and for family and for anyone who would ask you. You gave your time, resources and strength to others time and time again.
I watched you love my siblings and family, even when it was hard. I watched you sacrifice your time, goals, and desires in order to help others reach there’s.
Most importantly, I recognized the sacrifices you made for me daily. And I know at times I took it all for granted, but now as I live my journey of motherhood, I realize how much mom’s are worth. Their value could never be priced high enough, especially yours.
I was blessed with an amazing mom and role model. A woman who’s boldness and courage I hope to some day have. A woman who’s voice was strong, but gentle. Who made sure her children had it all. Who wept for her children, cheered for her children, honored her children, sacrificed for her children, and prayed for her children.
Because of your prayers, positive influence and love, I have accomplished so many of my dreams. I have learned so much from you.
You’ve been there in sorrows and weakness and in my triumphs. You’ve reminded me of my value and worth, and most importantly you never let me pity myself or sit depressed. You were firm, yet gentle with me when I was negative, unforgiving, selfish and prideful. You never let me get away with a poor attitude, and I am thankful for this. Your honesty and advice was what I needed more times than I can remember.
I thank you for always believing in me, and letting me find my own way. Thanks for being a listening ear nearly every day that I call to share my challenges, triumphs and pain. Thanks for praying for me, for my spouse and for my children. Thanks for speaking God’s Word over me, and reminding me of my value and worth.
I wish I could have celebrated with you on Mother’s Day and I wish I could one day return the love and sacrifice you made for our family. I want you to know your actions and sacrifice didn’t go unnoticed. I have learned how to be a Godly wife, mom, and woman through mirroring you.
I hope to one day have your strength, faith in God and love for others. I pray that I can mirror God’s love like you do.
Thank you for all that you do, but more importantly thank you for being my mom. I want you to know all those small things you thought didn’t matter, I noticed and it was those moments that inspired most.
I love you Mom, and I hope you were honored on Mother’s Day for your sacrifice and love.
Love, Bryanna”
Thank you for all the kind words (made me cry). You see me through rose colored glasses and always have. It’s called love, the way God loves us and sees who He created us to be. I learned from many mistakes and thankfully, my daughters learned from them to and is why you are both amazing moms! Love you more but He loves you most!
OMG you guys just make me cry. Stop it.