Moments……sometimes life is measured by moments. However brief or long they are, we can sum up our life by recalling moments. Some were filled with happiness, others sadness. Some with laughter, others disappointment. Some with pain, others pleasure.
As a new mom I have had many moments. I have had moments of sleeplessness, moments of joy, moments of impatience, moments of day dreaming and wishing, moments of crying and yelling…..moments.
I realized that most any thing in our lives is but only for a moment. From our relationships to our careers to our runs. In the larger picture our live here on earth is but only for a moment. With this new perspective I have find myself constantly reminding myself that it’s “but only for a moment,” especially in those moments of pain, frustration, or jealousy.
I found myself starting to envy others and their lives, but only for a moment.
I envy single women. Their freedom, careers, spontaneity, less stressed lives (well a different type of less stress). They get to catch the latest flicks, meet friends for dinner or dessert, coffee dates. They don’t have to share their time, money, sleep, energy. In a sense they can be selfish and get away with it (I mean this in the nicest of ways, because I was once a single woman). But Only For A Moment, because if I were single I wouldn’t have my amazing husband. I wouldn’t have my best friend. My faithful running partner.
I envy couples with no kids. Their youngness. Their fun. Their lack of responsibility, as far as kids go. Their spontaneous date nights. Their less crammed schedules. They get to sleep in on weekends and stay up late without being woken 2 hours later. But Only For A Moment, because my life wouldn’t be complete without my sweet Baby R. Her giggles, smiles and cheeks are so worth the lack of sleep, the added busyness, and the fewer date nights. She’s a gift.
I envy parents with older kids. Their diaper free lives. Their ability to be gone for more than 3 hours. Their lack of having to nurse. Their ability to have the kids help out with the chores. But Only For A Moment, because I Iove that baby girl doesn’t care if I am embarrassing her or not, loves cuddles and kisses, completely adores me, and can’t talk back yet. She doesn’t care about the latest styles and toys. She lives to eat and sleep.
I envy those with a house. Their bigger space for living. Their yards. Their potential for a garden and dog. Their big kitchen with a great pantry. But Only For A Moment, because with a house comes a mortgage, leaky faucets to repair, lawns to mow, a bigger area to clean.
I envy those with free time. Their pile of endless books to read. Their vacation after vacation. Their time to relax. Their easy paced lives. But Only For A Moment, because if I had free time it would mean I wasn’t a mom and that’s been the most rewarding and challenging job I have been given.
I envy those with a clean house. Their toyless lives. Their clutterless space. Their sparkling white toliets and floors. Their dustless shelves. But Only For A Moment, because without the toys, unvacuumed carpet, and stained floors, my home would feel so empty. My shelves of unread books would feel out of place without all her toys.
In all these moments, I realized that my moment has already passed or is yet to come. I need to be present in my moment now and appreciate those moments because they are but only for a moment. You blink and that baby girl is 18 leaving for college. Another blink and she’s married starting her own family. You blink and your house is now big and empty, as the kids leave. You blink and your childless lives is full of kids, soccer practices and muddy floors. You blink and that marathon training season is over and it’s race day.
So I continue my mantra But Only For A Moment when I find myself complaining or envying others, because I realize my moments are short in the big scheme of things.These moments won’t last forever, and I don’t want to regret any moment that passes.
In each moment I want to be fully present. I want those moments of happiness to not be taken for granted and to be many, and those moments of pain to be few and far behind. I am ready to take each moment as it comes, each moment in motherhood with confidence, love and patience, each moment in running with strength and determination, each moment in marriage with encouragement, selflessness, and endless love.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
This was beautiful! I am so glad you are taking the time to enjoy EVERY moment. 🙂
The best thing I’ve read in a long time. Thank you. So blessed to have you in my life. Your wisdom, your beauty, your fierce passion for life. You are my treasure. Love you!
Thank you Lisa and Jessica.
Beautiful post!! It’s so true and such a great reminder to be present in the here and now to fully experience your life. Thanks Bry!!