It was a beautiful Easter weekend with family. Baby R had her first Easter and she enjoyed cousin love and sunshine. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend with friends and family.
Here’s to more of my life ramblings since lately there’s been so much going on and my stress levels have been through the roof. Need an outlet for venting I guess, so sorry you’re all on the receiving end.
Truth Is…..cloth diapers can be a pain and an inconvenience at times. I love to do my part in protecting the environment and my child’s skin from toxins, but there are times when I ask myself “Why am I doing this again?” Especially on those days when there’s blow outs while out grocery shopping. And the endless pile of laundry. Traveling with cloth diapers, now that’s something you should try 😉
Truth is…..I’ve been study for my exit exam for weeks and I still feel unprepared. Maybe it’s because my study sessions are interrupted by the needs of my child and it’s hard not to be distracted. Between baby, work and life there’s little time for studying I feel. All my free time goes to studying, but yet I feel I am not retaining anything. I am freaking out!!
Truth is……I am not looking forward to my half marathon this weekend. Not excited for the rolling hills I signed up for, even though hills never bothered me before. Maybe it’s because I am so exhausted from late nights and early mornings, and this whole raising a kid thing. Honestly you moms are heroes!!
Truth is……my early mornings with God have been one of the best parts of my days. I love extending them into my runs too. I have been trying to get up an hour before baby does to read, pray and worship and then do my runs. Even though there’s mornings I am beat, I don’t regret it.
Truth is…..I can’t do it all. I may act like I can, and it’s really hard even admitting this, but I really can’t. Training for a marathon, working, raising a kid, studying for an exit exam, while trying to keep a house clean, groceries done, dinners prepared, lunches prepared, and the endless chores of laundry and bills, is all too exhausting. Maybe it’s humbled me to the point where I just might have to utter those five little words I never want to use “Can you please help me?”
To be quite honest it’s not easy for me to ask for help and I will push myself to the brink of total exhaustion before I do. Maybe it’s because I feel I have failed if I have to ask for help, like I wasn’t strong enough to do it myself. Good enough. It’s my driven, determined personality. It can be flawed when taken to far. Maybe it’s pride.
Wherever it stems from, I am finally taking the first step and admitting I really CAN’T do it ALL by myself. What made me think I could? It was the pride talking. The “can’t let anyone down” thinking. The “what if they think less of me?” thinking. It’s the reason I have a hard time saying NO to anyone. I take on many different tasks, and no matter what I will get them done, even if it means compromising my health and happiness. Why? Maybe it’s pride. Maybe it’s the “I can’t let anyone down.”
So I am humbling myself and maybe for once will take my sister up on her offer of helping, instead of saying “I don’t need any help. I am fine?” I’ve pushed myself for far too long and I am now paying the price mentally, physically, and emotionally. I am done finding excuses and pretending “I’ve got this” when in reality I really don’t have it all under control, at least not on the inside.
Let me be the first to say it’s okay to ask for help. And I don’t think it makes you any weaker or less of a person. In some respects it makes you stronger for humbling yourself and admitting you may need an extra hand.
Well that wasn’t where I saw this post going, but maybe we need a gentle reminder that sometimes it’s okay to mutter those five little words and ask “Can you help me please?”
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
Is it hard for you to ask for help?
This is a great post. The truth is…none of can do it all!!!! :). It can be hard for me to ask for help too, but I have also learned (pretty much) to let go of the high expectations that everything has to be just so. I want to enjoy life, enjoy my family, enjoy the things I love and sometimes that means I have to not worry that all the dishes are piled in the sink or I am making a frozen pizza for dinner or the laundry never gets put away. Life can be so busy …but I don’t want to be so busy doing “stuff” that I miss out on the moments :).
The truth is also….you are probably a lot more ready for your exam than you think…you can do it!!!!
The truth also is…..hills in races are hard, but you can do it (maybe buy a new running shirt or socks for motivation)(!!! Do your best and be so proud of yourself for what you accomplish!!!! Remember how much you love running!
The truth also is….I agree 100% that mornings with God are the best!
The truth also is….you are amazing for even attempting cloth diapers!
:)…remember no one can do it all 🙂
Thank you so much Jen!! It’s so true I don’t want to miss the important moments because I am so busy with “stuff”
No one can do it all! SO true, and yet I found myself trying to juggle it all for many years. I have had to redefine what a break is. Sometimes it’s 5 minutes in the bathroom, or not doing the dishes one night. A break prior to running a house and raising children was a week in Hawaii– haha! Those days are long gone, but grateful I had those experiences at all. So glad you had a nice Easter. Mine was really good too. Thank you for all of the sweet birthday messages! Love you!
Great post. I agree no one can do it all. It has taken me a long time to not only realize that I can’t do it all but that it’s ok when some things just don’t get done. I have driven myself to exhaustion and anxiety trying to do it all. It’s definitely a juggling act but I am learning to let God guide my life, not worry about the small things and have realized it’s ok that I can’t do it all. You are doing a great job. Being a Mom is a hard job. The hardest I have had. Whoever said you learn as you go is correct. ..I’m still learning. You are doing a great job as Mom and Wife. I’m sure you will do amazing on your test. You have been doing awesome on your runs. You got this!!! 🙂
Thanks Tiah. Parenting is definitely so hard and rewarding all wrapped into one. Letting God be the guide is definitely key.
great post! There is a scripture in Timothy about studying to show yourself proved, and one about bringing stuff to rememberence. Also you have the mind of Christ so when you study you are retaining and will pass the exam! Also, my issue not asking for help but I don’t know what I nend help with, so I don’t ask.
Thank you Dorinda for that scripture!!
Love this! We can’t do it all, even though it is hard to let go of those expectations!
I am constantly juggling something with 3 little ones and yes I have to let the idea of a perfect house go sometimes. I realize it’s more important to sit on the floor and play with my kids or go out in the sunshine with them. I see them growing before my eyes and I know that I have to cherish every moment.
You have such a wonderful attitude and your daughter is beautiful!
It is so nice that your sister is close by and can help you!
Glad you had a great Easter!!
Thank you Natalie!!
Great post and Just what I needed to hear. I’m in the same boat when it comes to asking for help. I get concerned that I may inconvenience someone by asking or that they will say yes but then really not want to. Not sure why i even think about that because it’s up to them to chose. Thanks again for being so honest and real
Love your post. May I say you are doing a terrific job at being a mom, wife and everyday needs that you tend too constantly. I am very proud of you, you are inspiring in so many ways.. Now, that I know how you feel sometimes, you better start letting me help you out and give you breaks