I guess it wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without reciting or at least thinking about all I am thankful for. This past week it was easy to have a grateful heart. Our city lost power after a strong windstorm that caused major devastation. I realized how much I have to be grateful for. After going without power and no heat or warm water, lights, etc, it’s more easy to be thankful for those simple things on a regular basis.
There are many who go without what we would call simple luxuries on a daily basis. Those who are not able to afford their water, electricity or heat bills. Who spend a long winter cold and miserable. I couldn’t imagine that. I wasn’t able to last more than 24 hours with any power, and escaped to my sisters house who never lost power. Sometimes we find it hard to be thankful for what we have, as we complain about everything we don’t have instead.
It’s so easy to complain about what we don’t have, and we are so quick to do so. We always seem to know what it is exactly we don’t have and what we want. I do this often, and I hate to admit this. I can name all the things I don’t have pretty quickly and find it hard to think of anything to be thankful for. How sad is that?
The past week I have forced myself to take the time to think of ALL I have to be thankful for, and I realized I have so much to be thankful for. My family to start, but even what other’s may think of as small things I have to be thankful for. My apartment, even if it’s not the house I want. The running water, when so many others are still using other means for toilets.
A warm bed to sleep in, food in our cupboards, lights to read by, books to read, toys for the little one, warm coats, warm boots and clothes. Some would say we don’t have to be thankful for all of that, but I would beg to differ. So many go without all of these things. Our very breathe and health is something to be thankful for.
The gift of running is another addition to my growing list. A sister who lives within 20 miles and a short drive away. She keeps me sane and accountable, and her and her boys bring so much joy to my life.
While trying to help those who were still without power and going on the 4th day of no power, one elder lady was so thankful for the rotisserie chicken and bread we bought and wanted to give her. We didn’t know her before that night, and didn’t even live near her neighborhood, but she was speechless. She kept saying “How can I say Thank you? My heart is so grateful. I don’t know how to say thank you…..” She began to cry. Something as simple as a $6 warm chicken. She said she was just thinking about a warm chicken and was beginning to cry because she wanted warm food. I talked with her a little bit, she gave me a hug and couldn’t thank me enough. She was a great example of how to be thankful.
It really stuck with me, because I tend to complain about the littlest of things. A little chicken made her day and she said “answered her prayers.” I loved seeing the joy in her eyes and excitement, only because she had just received a free warm meal.
I want to spend my Christmas season and the New Year learning to utter words that are used for edification instead of used for complaining. I want to give more thanks to others and to my Heavenly Father for all that I have. I have so much and dwelling on my wants doesn’t make a grateful heart. A grateful heart comes from being thankful.
Thank goodness my sister is always quick to remind me of all I have to be thankful for. She always makes me say at least one thing I am thankful for whenever she hears me complaining of not having this or that. It’s seems so selfish too, when I finally begin to be thankful.
So here’s to a great Thanksgiving and a Thankful New Year!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What are you thankful? What helps remind you to be thankful?
Happy thanksgiving, my dear. This year? I am thankful to have met you. You are so so inspiring.
Thank you so much Jessica!!