You didn’t all think you would get away with not hearing my goals for running in 2016 did you?! No, you didn’t luck out. I have goals in my running every year. I was thankful to meet some of those goals I had set in 2015. Running my sub 3 hour marathon and taking home some prize money. I also ran over 2000 miles in 2015 with a total of 2021.
Since running is a big part of my life, I thought I should share what I plan for 2016 as far as running and races go. This year may be a little different being that I am still recovering from an injury and doing lots of work in and out of physical therapy to get muscles to fire again and to regain strength without making any other areas of the body worse.
I am currently dealing with my IT-band again, stemming from the high hamstring tendonopathy and the gluts not firing properly. The IT pain is worse than the glut pain now. It’s funny, how physical therapy started to fix one problem, and now we have more. I do have to say it’s getting much better and I feel stronger already. It is a slow road to recovery, but I am trying not to dwell on time or distance, rather just have joy in the running I can do now.
First I start with the races I plan on doing and have signed up for in 2016:
- Snake River 1/2 March 5
- Rapid Rabbit 5 miler March 20
- Whidbey Island Marathon April 16
- Bloomsday May 1st
- Bayview 10k June
- Missoula 1/2 Marathon July 10
- SpoKenya July 16th
- Race the Reserve Half Marathon August 13
I am sure there will be a few more smaller races thrown in the mix at some point. My summer racing always seems to be busy.
For the first time in a long time, I haven’t set any time goals. I want to continue to do at least 1 marathon each year and a few halves. By mid-way through the year both of these goals should be met. This year my goal is more on focusing on my body and learning to tune into my body. Understanding when to push it, and when to dial back. When I can go farther and when I’ve done enough. Find the perfect weekly distance and continue to strengthen my core and muscles.
I plan to be more intentional in my racing, choosing a few this year to really focus on speed and form to get ready for my ultimate goal, the 2020 olympic trials. I have lots of time to prepare, but I also know that these years are important. No more burning myself out doing too many races. Putting more quality effort into a few races, rather than sloppy, half hearted effort in too many. There’s more to the story in my goals, but I am not ready to share the reason I have these goals.
This year I want to learn to love the run again. This comes with doing less I think. Not trying to hit every time goal, and every workout. Learning to love where I am at now, and to gain my strength again. Running pain free will help me love running again. I want to enjoy my runs. I have been lately, but I think it’s because I haven’t put any pressure on myself to perform to a certain standard and the pain is less and less.
So for 2016 I want to be intentional in my runs and have a deeper understanding of when I should push it and when I should pull back. To understand my limits and to love running again for running. I’ll still be competitive, but it won’t be so competitive I punish my body for not performing. This year will be a learning year and in the next few years I can focus on time again. No more spreading myself too thin. Taking everything and run in stride.
Running in 2016, What my Year Aims to Look Like via @wholesomelybry #motherrunner #goals #runner Share on XUntil Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What are your running goals for 2016?
I love your goal of the 2020 Olympic trials! If ANYONE can get there, you can.
Thank you jessica!!