Parenting is fun. It’s hard and challenging sure, but it’s also very rewarding. I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I will be honest and say I have my ups and downs for sure. There are days I feel I could rip my hair out and others I can’t stop smiling. Nights I wish I had the freedom of cuddling up on the couch with my hubby and enjoy a good laugh with a Friend’s episode and a bowl of popcorn. And there are mornings I sometimes wish I could sleep in until maybe 7:00 after being up late.
But the life of a parent doesn’t always allow for such “luxuries” as I would like to call them. I got to thinking that there are things your friends and family just don’t tell you about being a parent. Maybe it’s because they want you to figure it out on your own, or because eventually you’ll learn. Or maybe it’s because if they told you every little secret, you may wait yet another year to “settle down and have a kid.”
Marc and I didn’t have time to wait before settling down and having a kid (and why do they say “having a kid” likes it’s easy and there’s nothing to it?! totally not the case). Four months into marriage we were pregnant, and our “settling” down period had already begun, whether we wanted it to or not.
I’ve been around kids my whole life, nannied for years, worked with children of all ages, so I thought I for sure had this whole “parenting thing” down pat. It was going to be a breeze. I mean I knew it would be hard, but to be honest I didn’t think being a stay at home mom would be this HARD!!
So Here’s 10 Things They Didn’t Tell You About Being a Parent
- The house will never stay clean for more than an hour – Really I give it half an hour most days. The only time my house is clean is when R is napping or R is sleeping. I have stopped trying to pick up after her, because it’s a losing battle. It kills my OCD, neat freak personality, but I’m coping (with dark chocolate).
- Laundry doubles, triples, makes you scream – I didn’t mind doing the few loads of laundry Marc and I had before. But now between laundering cloth diapers and a wee little one, I have days I would like to scream. The laundry is empty for maybe 10 seconds. I am. Always. Doing. Laundry.
- Kids love their blankie, stuffy, baby – And if you can’t find it, forgot it, didn’t get it washed, well I’ll pray for you, because World War III’s about to break lose. Have a back up or two, especially the blanket. It will SAVE YOU!! Or at least make your life easier.
- You’re kids don’t care if you just folded all the laundry and put all their books away – They love to make messes, so the folded laundry is now unfolded and attempted to be thrown back in the drier. The kitchen cupboards are again thrown apart, and you can’t find your shoes or your kids shoe, because they’ve hid them some where they don’t even remember. Their dresser drawers are now empty, and they have attempted to wear all their clothes, thinking they are helping. It’s a losing battle. They don’t care if you tidied up, see number 1.
- Grocery shopping requires patience, speed, diversions and lots of energy – I have one and it’s a chore sometimes and you’ll all saying “wait until you have another,” but you won’t tell me why. There’s they wanting this or that, wanting out of the cart, back in, wanting to walk and then be held. Trying to throw things out of the cart, and take things from the shelves. I get it R is just thinking she’s helping and really she’s well behaved, but it’s exhausting at times. This is why my sister and I go together to bigger retailers like Costco. It’s tag teaming, and Costco has samples, and yes they work.
- You have to feed your kids before dinner, while making dinner and then again at dinner – And sometimes again while you’re now trying to eat your cold dinner. R loves to eat and she’s mean if she’s not eating when she wants to eat. Foods important, I can’t say it enough!!
- Nothing is strictly yours anymore – They want your phone, your watch, your bed, your shoes, your clothes, your curling iron, your food, your time, your attention, your energy, your help, your money…….
- Errands, dates, making plans and appointments revolve around nap time, practices, lunch – I sometimes decided if I can attend a birthday party but what time of day it’s at. Does it conflict with R’s nap time, because she’s a bear if she doesn’t get her zzzz’s or if she’s not in bed by 7:30. Our kids are important. I. Get. It.
- You don’t pee alone anymore – You now have an audience of 1 or 2 or 4. Everyone’s invited and typically all the toys come along too. Don’t you dare shut the door when trying to use the rest room. Who needs privacy anyways.
- You ALWAYS talk about your kids – Jimmy took his first steps. Jimmy ate blueberries today. Jimmy had a massive poop and it was everywhere. Jimmy scored his first soccer goal. Jimmy would not go to sleep last night. Jimmy missed his curfew. Jimmy is graduating college. Jimmy is getting married and everything in between. We brag about our kids and we pretend that our friends actually care 😉
But most importantly, parenting is the best gift and blessing you could ever ask for!! We should really just focus on telling all new parents that!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What surprised you about being a parent? Any thing you can add to the list?
I think you should have focused on the pack of sleep more! Once they sleep through the night you wake up in the middle of the night wondering what happened that they slept thru the night. Also, any little noise and you are up! I never new I could be so productive on such little amount of sleep.
Yes lack of sleep is definitely worth noting. I was blessed with a good sleeper though, so I haven’t suffered as badly.
Well said. That about sums it up. FYI- The laundry thing gets worse, lol.