I am excited to finally announce the gender of our baby. I am not one who can wait to be surprised on delivery day. It’s not my style. I need to plan ahead and make sure I have everything I need before baby arrives. Even though I have most every baby thing because of already having one child, I still needed to know gender, so I could get new bedding, clothes, blankets, etc. if need be.
So if you want to stay surprised then don’t read on or skip to the bottom for a pregnancy update 😉
Marc, R and I are excited to announce baby #2 is a……
Yep!! R is ready for a brother. Believe me. She is surrounded by boys, from her two nearest cousins on my side and the little boys I occasionally help watch. Because of this she is rough and beats up on her cousins. I am hoping another boy doesn’t add to this roughness. Don’t get me wrong she has a sweet nature, but sometimes that girl…. [maybe she needed a baby sister]
It will be fun to have one of each and I was kind of hoping for a boy and new it was a boy because of how I had been feeling. My appetite increased during the first trimester compared to R, which was probably a good thing because I was so nauseous. Most of the food I could stomach though was crackers and bread.
Running is going better and now that I am long out of the first trimester I don’t have to stop and pee during runs. Hoping I can keep this up for a few more weeks anyway. I just started feeling better too!! I think 20 weeks was the key. We are excited for another addition to our cross country team 😉 R needed a stroller and race buddy.
This baby boy better get ready for our crazy, loud family!! God has blessed us beyond words!!
20 Week Bump Update
Now we can start those fun updates throughout pregnancy. I probably won’t do very many of them, but every now and again I will check in with ya’ll so you can see how I am growing, feeling and passing time.
Gender: BOY!!
Symptoms: Very sore vagina, been doing lots of kegels. Migraines throughout the week, but beginning to get better. Nausea finally starting to subside, I just have to make sure food is always in my stomach. Energy has been back and feeling so much better than I was even 2 weeks ago.
Baby’s Size: At the anatomy scan this week baby boy was . Around the percentile. The size of a cantaloupe according the pregnancy app.
Maternity Clothes: Not wearing maternity clothes just yet. Still able to fit my regular clothes, although jeans aren’t comfy because I am carrying lower.
Belly Button: It’s half way out/halfway in. Definitely poking out faster than it did with R.
Stretch Marks: None – I keep up with my daily oil.
Sleep: Sleeping well for the most part. Some nights better than others.
Miss anything: My pre-baby body. I feel bigger much faster this time around. Trying not to care 😉
Cravings: Nothing lately, besides popcorn. I have a bowl of popcorn before bed as a snack most nights. Don’t worry I don’t do the microwave kind.
Aversions: Nothing right now. Mostly smells get to me. The first trimester my aversions were horrible, but yet I was hungry. It was a dilemma. I feel my appetite is much smaller now, and nothing ever sounds good, but not because of aversions, just because I guess.
Looking Forward to: Finally buying a house. We’ve been searching and looking and putting in offers, but the market is hot right now and houses are going like hot cakes!! It’s depressing, but I know God has that perfect house for us.
What I’m loving: The warmer weather, at least for playing that is with R. It can stay cool in the mornings for my runs. 😉
Workouts: Running feels better than the first trimester. I didn’t enjoy running all throughout my pregnancy with R, but this time around I am loving it. Once I hit 14/15 weeks it felt easier. My runs are needed for mental clarity, and lately I haven’t felt pregnant on my runs. Only feel pregnant when going up hill, doing speed, and if I need a potty break. I am getting slower, but still under 8 minute miles. Still racing of course 😉
Have a wonderful weekend folks!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
How many girls/boys do you have? Which do you think is easier, boy or girl?
Congratulations to all of you! “He is fearfully and wonderfully made”.