Minutes turn to hours, hours to days, days to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. Through this process changes occur, some good some bad. We all go through changes. Days go through changes, weeks and months…..change
I used to hate change. There’s comfort in everything remaining the same. The same house we grew up in, the same sweatshirt we’ve worn since high school, the same Christmas dinners and traditions. Comfort in sameness. I will be the first to admit that change is hard at times. I used to hate moving, uprooting. I felt it changed things to much.
It’s the same reason I never wanted my parents to move from their home. I was raised in that home and I found comfort when I would return home to visit, the memories and smells. Over the years, I have learned to try to welcome change. Growth brings change, and sometime change is needed for growth to happen.
Without growth we would never get anywhere in life. There’s a newness that needs to happen in our every day lives. We don’t need to be afraid of change. Just the opposite. Change is a good thing.
Sometimes change can bring pain, hurt, disappoint and failure. Other times change brings joy, inspiration and most importantly growth. There is always room for growing in our lives. I think of my own children and how hard it is to watch them grow at times. Knowing they are changing. But if they didn’t grow and change, and mold into their God given destiny, life would be boring. They need to change in order to have growth, and to fulfill their destiny, to use their talents and gifts.
If they were to stay infants, and have childish ways forever, nothing would be done in this world, because tantrums would be present at every turn. Thank goodness some of us have learned to grow up and not throw childlike fits anymore. Sadly, some adults have yet to grow up. We would think we deserve everything and don’t have to work for anything if we didn’t. Children learn to grow and morph into a Christ-like adult. It’s interesting how there’s pain in their growth as well, from growing pains to teething. We have to face it change is painful, but it’s beautiful in the end.
In the same way we help our children grow and we train them to be responsible adults, we too need to continue to grow. We don’t lose our passions and dreams with change, instead we grow into what Christ has planned for us. Change pushes us out of our comfort zones, into the unknown at times, and with this my faith is deepened. I have to rely on Him, because I am not in my comfort zone. I focus my eyes on Him, and even in my uncertainties I have peace, joy and hope.
I want to move into what God has planned, and somethings will have to change for me. I need to change my mindset, my perspective, my negativity. I can’t put my eyes on my circumstances, because if I did I would stay confined to my dark thoughts and my instability. Changing my thoughts to pure thoughts, positive thoughts and God’s thoughts, moves me into my destiny and my dreams.
As a New Year approaches, I am hoping to welcome change. If change will help me grow into my destiny and the plans God has for me, I want change. Bring it. This New Year could be used to help us grow towards our passions and dreams.
As we change careers, cities and last names, we welcome the new. New relationships, new goals, new children, and new growth.
The minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years of our lives should be filled with change, because in that there is growth. Our relationships grow, our passions grow, and our dreams grow. I am hoping this New Year you will welcome more change into your lives, so you too can grow. Grow in faith, grow in love, grow in visions and dreams.
2017 will be a better year, if we take risks, change our mindsets and step into our destiny. Trust His plan, His timing, and the change He has for us. Stop waiting and stop being comfortable. Take a leap, move forward, even if you can’t see where you are going on this road of life and you don’t know what’s around every turn. There’s peace knowing that our Heavenly Father is with us around every bend, with every change.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
How will you welcome change in this New Year?
Im moving to Salt Lake City on New Years Eve actually. Its so crazy and I wanna dance for joy and throw up about it at the same time haha. I never would have dreamed of going there, but HE took me through a huge change this fall that tore my world and dreams apart, and in the brokenness HE mended together a new dream and put me on a new path. So Im following HIM to SLC. I got a job teaching kids exercise there already. I am hoping to get to share the gospel with lots of people because SLC is only 2% Christian. I am also excited about training and getting involved with the running community out there. Who knows what HE has planned, but prayers would be awesome 😉
With Him we can find peace in knowing that His plans won’t failed. He is performing a good work in us, and won’t quit until he is finished. I will be praying, but find rest and peace in Him. He leads us and is there through all of our challenges!! Never leaves us!!