We are wrapping up this short series on the importance of sleep with some tips for getting enough shut eye and better shut eye. I hope you have enjoyed this mini series, and don’t forget to check out my post on the importance of sleep to our health.
I chose to sleep in this morning until 5:45 a.m. I know crazy right!! Usually after the baby is up at 4 a.m. I just stay awake and start the day with a run, but this morning, I knew I needed more sleep, so I went back to bed for another hour. An hour is an hour. I felt more refreshed and was still able to get my run in. Always a win.
I put off doing this post so I could get more sleep in as well. I try to hit 7 hours. Some days I can, but most of the time I don’t hit the mark. I have been doing little things to help me get into bed earlier. I want to share with you some Tips for Better Sleep, so sit back and enjoy!!
- Turn off electronics a few hours before bed – I know this is a widely used tip, but do we heed this advice? I know I don’t. My phone follows me to my bedroom and I check my social media before turning out the lights. To set the stage for healthy circadian rhythms, electronics need to be turned off and stowed 🙂 The bright lights are addictive and keep our mind awake and stimulated.
- Try essential oils – Need a better sleep or have issues falling asleep, try essential oils such as lavender, chamomile or doTerra’s Serenity Restful Blend. Diffuse in your room, or spray on your pillows. Even rubbing some oils on your necks or palms and then inhaling is useful.
- Chamomile & Lavender Tea – Chamomile and lavender are a great tea to help promote relaxation and sleep. There’s even a bedtime tea by Yogi that can help with sleep. Consume an hour before bed.
- Leave the phone, computers & pads out of the bedroom – Studies show that sleeping with electronics, creates addictive personalty’s and causes depression and bad sleep. Don’t bring them in your rooms. I know we say we use our phone as an alarm clock, but alarm clocks were around long before our phones so you can find them at most retail stores. Invest in an alarm clock. Research shows that cell phone addicts are most sleep deprived. This info graphic explains:
- Try Melatonin or Valerian Root – These herbs are helpful for those suffering with sleep disorders. You can find them in capsule form or drink as a tea. Take a half hour before bed.
- Start a Routine – I use my phone to help remind me an hour before my bedtime. It sends me a reminder that I have an hour before bedtime and I need to wind down. This has been great, because I will get to doing things around the house and then check the clock and it’s 9:30 and I haven’t even started my bedtime routine. So if it takes you an hour to unwind, brush your teeth, wash your face, and read, begin this before your scheduled bedtime and try to stick to it. Your body will begin to recognize the routine and will adjust better to sleep. Winding down helps the body adjust, so do something relaxing to promote a better nights rest.
- Exercise – This is great for all aspects of your health.
- The dishes can wait – If it’s been a busy day and all your chores didn’t get done, don’t sweat it, they aren’t going anywhere. They’ll be there in the morning believe me. Sleep is more important than staying up an extra hour to clean the kitchen, bathrooms or vacuum. You have to learn to decipher between what is important now and what can really wait.
- Don’t Eat a Heavy Meal Right Before Bed – If you have to eat later than 7 p.m. and are planning to sleep by 9/10 p.m., don’t eat a heavy meal. It is hard on the digestive system and your body will be up trying to get it all digested while you sleep, keeping you awake. Try to eat around 5:30 and 6 p.m. Sometimes this may be hard with kids schedules, if so, don’t eat a large meal with lots of carbohydrates. Eating 2-3 hours before bed is best for a good night’s rest and helps so you aren’t fighting indigestion.
- Don’t Do Caffeine Before Bed – This is a no brainer. If you are tired around 7 p.m., don’t reach for coffee reach for your pillow!!
- Make your Bed in the Morning – Research shows that those who make their bed in the mornings have a more productive, less chaotic day and a better nights rest, than those who don’t. It’s hard to have restful sleep when you come home to a bed that’s a mess. You also complete the first task of the day, making you feel more productive and accomplished. It works for me, my sister always says “I knew your were going to be in a bad mood or it was a bad day, because I noticed your bed wasn’t made.” True Story.
- Check the Temperature – Ideal sleeping temperature is 60-67 degrees. A cool bedroom helps with a good nights rest.
Have a wonderful weekend Friends!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What’s your favorite way to wind down before bed? Your tips for a good night’s rest?
I needed this. I haven’t been able to sleep well.
Hope you catch up on some ZZZ’s
I definitely needed this article. I have been having a hard time going to sleep lately. Thanks for the tips.