Happy Monday Ya’ll
I have emailed the winner of my Barleans Giveway and I am sorry for my delay. Congrats Linda on the great products you’ll be receiving and thank you all for participating.
I enjoyed a nice week in Montana, driving back on Saturday with two kiddos. I survived a car trip with just me and the two kids 2 and under. Only one stop for the 6+ hour drive, and no terrible screaming!! Thank the heavens. It was interesting stopping to nurse little man and then use the rest room, while balancing a infant on my lap and trying to stop a toddler from crawling under the stall door. A picture that would have been worth a thousands words for sure 😉
Sunday I was lucky enough to race a 5 miler. After running hills all week in Montana, I wasn’t sure how this race was going to go. My legs felt like toast, but I wasn’t going to come up with excuses, because after all I have two legs to race with. I tried to hit the hay early, since L had been having some rough nights and was waking up nearly every hour. I thought I better try to sleep when he was sleeping, and then he surprises me and only woke up once!! Amen!!
It was a beautiful morning for racing and perfect race conditions. We raced out the door. I grabbed the race bib, did my business in the restroom, nursed L, did my warm up, nursed L again, raced to the starting line, raced the race, PR’d. The End!!
Just kidding, there’s more. I knew I wanted to break 30 minutes, but wasn’t sure what was in the cards for this morning. I didn’t look at my watch once during the race, always going by feel. I ended up with a PR and a sub-30 5 mile, which I honestly wasn’t expecting. It’s funny, because I was happy to have hit sub-30 but then was thinking how I wish it was a low 29. To truly just be happy with your time is something I need to work on. I was happy to see my cheer squad at the finish line though.
My 2 year old is loving the races and wants to “race and run too, mama.” She kept telling me “good job” and giving me the biggest hugs and then cheered others in. Love her to pieces.
I felt good most of the race, Mile 3 was my toughest. Once I knew I was far enough in front of the second female, as I glanced out of the corner of my eye around one the corners, I let up on the gas. The last mile I felt as if I really let up, and it almost cost me a sub 30. When I rounded the corner to the finish line and saw that it was going to be close, I was thinking “dang!!” It was close, but I snagged’er.
It was a sunny morning, which made the race fun. I enjoyed passing the front guys and enjoyed a PR. I felt relaxed and comfortable. I kept a pretty consistent pace throughout the race, with an average of 5:59 over the 5 miles. The last mile felt good, until the last little incline to the finish, although it didn’t feel as steep or long as it usually does because of all the hills I ran throughout the week while at my parent’s house.
All and all it was a fun race and I felt truly blessed and joyful afterwards. It was fun. Usually I don’t look at races as fun. Sure you could say it was fun, because I won and PR’d, but even if I wouldn’t have won or PR’d, I still think it would have been fun. It was fun watching others PR and seeing the joy in my little girl as she watched others race and as she did her own race. And I won a giftcard to a coffee shop in the raffle, so that’s a plus and brought home a nice medal for R.
Split Times: Mile 1 – 5:54 Mile 2 – 6:04 Mile 3 – 5:58 Mile 4 – 6:00 Mile 5 – 6:00
Total Time: 29:56
I always enjoy this as one of my first spring races and this year was no different. Ended with a nice 25 minute cool down, a coffee & a trip to Costco. Now the trip to Costco wasn’t as joyful as this race…..lets just say even the free samples at Costco aren’t worth a trip to Costco with two hungry kids!!
Hope you all have a wonderful week!! And tune in tomorrow for some fun Spinach themed recipes to help prepare you for Spinach Day on the 26th, with a giveaway on Instagram for a cute t-shirt.
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
You are super speedy!!
Thank you
Congrats, lady! It’s always nice to enjoy a race AND run fast! 🙂 I can totally relate to the always wanting more. That’s not a bad thing – keeps you competitive and hungry, but it’s good to find that balance with contentment, too. Right there with you.
Thank you Alli!! Hope you are doing well and enjoying the new baby!!