The ever faithful friend…
You don’t care if I’m slow or I’m fast…..
You’re there for speed, on days going fast….
You’re there for recovery, on days going slow…..
You’re there when I’m weak…..You’re there when I’m strong
You’re there in the victories…..You’re there in the loss
You’re there after post race blues…..You’re there after races unfinished
You’re there when there’s a need to beat all the guys……You’re there when there’s a need to hold some back
You’re there in the PR’s…..You’re there in the failed attempts
You’re there through the storms…..You’re there in the sunshine
You’re there with the changing seasons
You’re there when the air turns more crisp and the colors begin to pop
You’re there when the leaves are gone, the days shorter, and another layer is added
You’re there when the air turns arctic cold and the world is covered in white
You’re there in the numbness and tingling fingers and toes, in the frosted eyelashes & nose
You’re there in the wind, the snow, the ice, the rain and the hail
You’re there when the air turns warm and the new life springs forth
You’re there when the winter stays longer than it’s welcome
You’re there when the spring comes early
You’re there when the colors are vibrant and the world is in bloom
You’re there when it’s hot and humid and life’s drenched in sweat
You’re there when the days are longer
You’re there when it’s layers of hats, gloves, vests, wool, tights and spikes
You’re there when it’s baring skin, sports bras and bootie shorts
You’re there in spring, summer, fall & winter

You’re there when the sky is lite up with stars and the moon
You’re there when the sun rises and when the sun sets
You’re there when the world moves faster and when it slows down
You’re there on the best of days and the worst of days
You’re there when hope seems lost, doubt creeps in, uncertainity prevails and fear is planted
You’re there when faith is strong, courage prevails, and the brave walk strong
You’re there in the grief and the pain…..the tears
You’re there in laughter and smiles
You’re there in the loss of a loved one….You’re there in the birth of a loved one
You’re there when one is welcomed home after their earthly farewell…..You’re then when one is welcomed home after their earthly arrival
You’re there when risks are taken, surprises happen
You’re there as family changes
You’re there through the marriage
You’re there when the marriage is no longer
You’re there when the belly is growing
You’re there when the children keep coming, the nights are long & the sleep is few
You’re there for stroller miles and kid free miles
You’re there for baby’s first steps and the send off to college
You’re there when life is too busy and when life is full of time

You’re there when the body is weak and when the body is strong
You’re there in the sickness
You’re there in good health
You’re there when the burdens are too much to carry
You’re there when the load is light
You’re there when a few pounds have been gained
You’re there when a few pounds have been shed
You’re there in the ups and the downs
You’re there at the top of the mountains and the bottom of the valleys
You’re there through the mountains, flats and valleys
You’re there in the darkness and in the light
You’re there in the breath taking views
You’re there in the sightless smog
You’re there after a much needed break
You’re there to offer an escape
Running, You ARE just there…..Through it all…..
Signed, Bryanna