The big day has arrived. I can not believe we are almost halfway through this pregnancy, at just over 19 weeks. I would like to say it has flew by and I am feeling great, but that would be a lie.
Before we make the big reveal, I know I promised you a race recap from a previous week. It turns out the recap will be very easy to write, because I didn’t end up running the race. This pregnancy has left me so tired, and the fatigue makes it hard to do anything, so racing wasn’t a good idea. The first race I have signed up for and not at least tried to run!! It was a hard decision and one I hope I don’t have to make again.
I know my personality and body enough that I would push to hard, and it wouldn’t end well. So for this season of my life, racing is only going to happen if I feel I can tame my competitive drive and really have fun doing it. Not trying to prove something to myself or others. It’s humbling to run while pregnant, and for some doing half marathons is easy and fun, but it’s not a reality for me at this stage. I may have raced more with my first and second pregnancy, but there’s something about having more children to chase around and working more that has left me exhausted.
At least I am still able to do 12-14 mile long runs, and keep my mileage around 40-45 miles per week, but I don’t know how many more weeks I can continue to do this. I take it day by day. I just want to stay healthy and run as long as I can with baby #3.
We are excited to announce we are having a baby girl. Well most of us are excited. R is ecstatic and L isn’t sure what to think. He enjoys being the “baby” of the family and doesn’t like the idea of being out numbered, but there’s still hope for him in future siblings. Don’t lose hope L!!
I was leaning on the side of a girl because R was pretty set on it, and kids seem to have a good intuition about these types of things, and I am ready for another girl. I love boys, don’t get me wrong, but their energy levels are too much for me, maybe it’s the current pregnancy and L’s very curious stage, but it is definitely adding to the fatigue. L keeps me on my toes, so a little break from the boys will be welcomed, as much as I love little boys. It’s funny how different boys and girls are, both difficult in their own ways.
R is telling everyone about her baby sister and her “mommy’s baby in her little tummy” and when we tried to tell her it was a boy she told us “you can take it back and get a girl” or would respond “I’ll be very very mad at you!!” So thank you Jesus you knew exactly what we needed!!
I am feeling less nauseous; it’s not every day and comes in waves. My biggest complaint is the fatigue that sets in around 3-4 p.m. and makes it hard to make it through dinner time, bath time and clean up. But day by day!! Also, I can’t seem to get more than 4-5 hours of sleep at time. Usually by 1 a.m. I am tossing and turning and so restless. I don’t remember having insomnia so early on.
Also, I find it hard to have an appetite for anything I cook. If we could afford it, I would eat out nearly everyday or hire a personal chef to make my meals. I love cooking, but after being in the kitchen preparing the food myself it just doesn’t sound good anymore. This happens every pregnancy. It’s funny how I love ordering salads and having them, but I hate eating them if I make them at home. I do force myself to eat my veggies though, because I want to start the healthy habits early for my new child (studies show that your children’s food preferences start in the womb, just so you know).
I can’t do tofu. If I don’t have to touch it or prepare it, it is fine, but the thought of it makes me nauseous. Also, I crave coffee daily!! I only allow myself 1-2 coffees a week though. I think it’s purely for a pick me up.
Have a great week friends and family!!