I was recently pondering trust. It’s sometimes hard for us to trust…..
From trusting our spouses, family, friends and God. It takes faith to truly trust our Heavenly Father. On the other hand, we tend to trust our spouses or friends more than our Heavenly father. We often forget He is holding us and knows what’s best for us. Especially in a world full of such evil and hate.
Trusting the Lord is not always an easy task. Although we often say “I am trusting God with that…” or “I trust that God will come through.” Do we genuinely believe those words, or have they become so common we don’t understand the significance of them? It requires a bit of faith to trust that Gods plans are always the best plans. That He will come through when we need Him to. Let’s define “trust” and “faith” before we dive in.

Now what about that word “faith.”

It seems you can’t have one without the other. Trust involves faith and faith involves trust. In fact in the English – faith requires “complete trust in something or someone.”
We don’t always see God working on our behalf, this requires faith not sight. After thinking about my own children and their trust, it made me liken it to my relationship with Christ. You see our kids trust us so willingly, and have from birth. They trust that we’ll nurse them, change their diapers, clothe them, provide for them, protect them. Sure as an infant they may not be thinking about these things, but could it be because they just trust it’s taken care of, so there’s no need to? They have faith it’s taken care of. They don’t have reason to worry.
Our kids trust us willingly and even without a second thought. They don’t tend to think of all the “what if’s,” at least not at a young age. They jump into the car for the ride to soccer and they don’t question if they may get injured. They trust we’ll get them there safely. They aren’t thinking of the “what ifs.” When we provide meals, they don’t question their safety or ask if it will harm them. They may complain because it’s too healthy and it’s vegetables, but they don’t fear it’s going to make them sick. When we take them to the doctor or dentist they trust we know what we are doing. It’s just their nature at a young age. Our young children trust we’ll be there to clean their skinned knees, offer a hug when they feel scared or hurt, catch them if they fall. They trust we’ll always love them. And “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him.” – Matthew 7:11.

Why would we think any less of our Savior and Heavenly Father. We, being evil, give and give to our children, so why would we question His goodness? Fear & a lack of faith. Trust involves a lack of fear. It is most certainly fear that keeps us from trusting God. Trusting His plans. The fear of the unknown. Those fears that keep up us at night, i.e. finances, our kids health, the ever pressing evil in the world, will our kids grow up to be Christ like, will they know we love them, will I have time for this tomorrow, will I get that job we need, what if this happens…
We could learn from our young children. They don’t fear the everyday things. They simply trust mom and dad have it under control. They enjoy today and don’t worry about tomorrow. There’s no need for them to fear tomorrow. Of course as they get older, they begin to question our judgment and push back against our rules. They find this fear they never had. But don’t we do the same with God? When He calls us out of our comfort zone. Guides us to a new job or new home. Directs our path down the unknown. We question if this is really God. We begin to lose faith and our trust in Him. We cling to fear and others, instead of to Him.
So maybe today you need to be reminded of the childlike faith. Simply saying “I trust you because you are God. You are absolutely good. And if I being evil love to give gifts to my children, know then that you being absolutely good love to give good things to me. I trust you”

Let go of the burdens…I guarantee you most young children don’t carry burdens. Their faith is beautiful. They pray and believe it. There’s no reason to doubt. I am trusting God for many things, and trying to learn from my own kids what big faith is. This requires letting go of fear and trying to control it all, and giving it to Jesus. Surrendering all to Him.
I hope today you too surrender it all to Him. He’ll take all of it and wants it. We weren’t created to do life alone. He wants you to trust Him with it all and have Faith He is absolutely Good!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit