Another bump update, and maybe even the last of my updates for this pregnancy. It’s weird knowing that any time now I could be holding little girl in my arms. Every day I call my parents the first thing out of my dad’s mouth is “Are you having the baby?!” And I have to reply “No, not yet….” I can’t wait for that one phone call…..
I chose to post the update later today after the appointment was over, so I could give you a full update. Based on the appointment though there’s not much more to update you on as I had hoped. I am 90% thinned out in my cervix (so only 10% left folks), so even more thin then the last appointment, which is great. Baby is low in the pelvis, so things are moving along.
38 weeks Bump Update & I am still running…..
And just for fun a pumpkin bump!!
A little comparison from 18 weeks……
then 28 weeks……
It’s kind of fun looking back on the growth!!
Symptoms: So much more pressure now that the baby dropped over a week ago. It was weird feeling her drop. You can’t tell from my belly, but the baby has definitely dropped. Basically feeling the same. I know wake up around 3-4 in the morning to pee. My ribs are killing me and still have major back pain. It’s just plain uncomfortable.
Baby size: According to the app she is about 19.5 inches long (about the size of a Leek) and weighs in around 6-6.8 pounds. The doctor said the baby is sitting low. I am glad her she is in the right position.
Maternity clothes: None
Stretch Marks: None…..I think I will make my entire pregnancy without any….I am super blessed for this!!
Belly Button: Outie
Sleep: Sleep is even worse now, because of the back pain and discomfort. It’s hard to get comfortable, and after getting up to pee, going back to bed doesn’t happen.
Cravings: Nothing really, except for chocolate. My appetite is so hit and miss, and it’s hard to find anything that sounds good. I feel like I am in my first trimester again.
Food aversions: Some days I feel all food is an aversion.
What I am missing: SLEEP!! And my old body before Bean.
What I am most looking forward to: The little Bean arriving so I can hold her!!
What I’m Loving: All the phone calls with my parents, and their excitement every time I call. They really can’t wait for little girl to arrive.
Workouts: Still running and doing squats like crazy (to help with childbirth) along with other strength moves. My longest run since the last update was 9 miles last weekend. This weekend we are running a 10k race, baby willing!! 😉 The running definitely isn’t getting any easier.
Marc and I plan on doing one more Greenbluff run this weekend for apples and pears. I spent most of this week canning applesauce and dehydrating apples.
Then we race on Sunday morning and who knows maybe we’ll have a baby……
Hope you all enjoy your weekend!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
I am taking wagers: When do you think baby bean will arrive? Chose your date and comment below. Due date is the 24th!!
So exciting!! You’ll be holding her before you know it. I had my first at 38 weeks and 6 days so it could happen 🙂 but I know the doctors and hospital are pretty firm about having babies at 39 weeks or more so the longer she is baking the better. Either way ou have week or two before your life changes completely…for the better. You’ll never know what you did without her. Excited for you and praying for you.
I am fine with holding on until 39 weeks, but I don’t really want to go much longer. Thank you for your prayers once again. I am getting so anxious for her arrival. It’s worse than a kid a Christmas!! LOL