I have realized in the past couple of months, past year really, I have lost focus for my blog. I started the blog as a way to help inspire others toward a healthy, whole and active lifestyle. I intended to do this by sharing recipes, my own health and active lifestyle journey, and by providing tips and informative posts on different health topics. In addition, I wanted to share running inspired pieces as well.
It seems that I lost sight of why I created the blog. My posts were centered around baby updates and such. So I decided I needed to be focused in 2015, and start planning more posts. I had so many notes over the past couple of years and ideas for posts, which never saw a publication date. In 2015 I have decided to go back to my “roots;” the whole reason I started blogging and to make some changes.
Here are my plans for Wholesomely Fit and some much needed changes:
More health/nutrition inspired content: This will range from informative based posts on certain spices, food groups, supplements and products, and how they benefit our health and everyday lives. I can share what I have learned from personal experience, and what I am currently learning. It would only seem obvious that as a nutritionist I would share my expertise.
More tips for healthier lifestyles: I find that “How To…” posts and “Tips” posts are great for educating others and encouraging them toward a healthier lifestyle. If my goal was to inspire, these type of posts will do just that.
Recipes: I have been terrible at updating my recipes in a timely matter or even at all. I want to keep sharing recipes I think are blog worthy, healthy, and family friendly.
Running and Race Recaps: You’ll still find information on gear for running, motivation for staying active and how my running is going. I still plan to include race recaps, because they are fun and I love documenting races.
Mommy Life: Since I am a mom now I think it’s only natural to share my struggles, triumphs, and thoughts on mommyhood (I just made up that word).
Baby, children, and parenting tips: My friend has persuaded me to share my expertise in infant and child care, from cloth diapering, breastfeeding, cooking and baby food preparation, and tips on natural living and care for common ailments. She is convinced lots of women need this type of resource, and I think it would be fun to share what I have learned, I am currently learning, and what works.
Baby Updates: I still plan to do monthly updates on Baby R. It’s a fun way to document her growth and development and for others to see her personality.
Personal Posts: As a blogger it’s sometimes hard to be vulnerable and honest, but there are times it’s needed. I want to incorporate more “Truth is….” posts to create dialogue. Sometimes documenting my personal struggles can help another person, making it worth it.
More Dialogue and Questions: I want to create more dialogue on the blog, and be open to suggestions from others as well. Periodically, I will ask for suggestions and questions pertaining to health, parenting, or running my readers want answers to. This has been fun for me. I have gotten emails with questions, and have loved turning them into posts.
Fun Posts: It doesn’t have to be all seriousness on Wholesomely Fit. I have some ideas for some fun posts, featuring running themed “Would you Rather’s” and questionnaires, the highs and lows of being a mom, etc. This is a great way to share more about myself and to create dialogue.
Redesign: I hope to give Wholesomely Fit a new logo and a face lift by the end of the year. There are so many areas of the blog that need improvement.
Ultimately, Wholesomely Fit is my space for being creative and writing. I love to write and whether others think I am good at it or not, I am going to continue to do so. For a time I thought I was going to quit blogging altogether, because I didn’t think all the hard work and effort was worth it. My blog doesn’t have many readers compared to others, so I thought what’s the point.
I now understand that it’s what I love to do, and with a little more focus, a calendar for blog posts, and room for life’s hiccups (late posts, interruptions in my “planned” posts due to being a wife and mom first) blogging will be fun again. Also, blogging has introduced me to new people who are now great friends.
So Here’s to a back to the roots Wholesomely Fit, with a few needed changes!!
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What are your favorite type of posts? Any suggestions for Wholesomely Fit?
I am so excited to follow along. I love every one of your posts. Your recipes fill my days, weeks and months, many of them have become standards in our home. You inspire me to eat clean, run fast and be vulnerable! Love you so much- you are like a sister to me- I’ve come to rely on our friendship. xoxo
Thank you Lisa so much!! I am thankful for our friendship, and love how close we are even with distance. I am glad to hear my recipes are well received.
Love this post! I was thinking same thing with my blog! Thanks for sharing!