Christmas has come and gone and our Christmas was memorable. We enjoyed a few days in Montana with my family. R was sick the entire time, with a fever, runny nose and horrible cough. She is just now herself, but still has a lingering cough. Now L has the cough. It was a very sleepless few days with lots of crying children and short fused parents. It was one for the books. It helped me really keep the consumerism of Christmas out though. I kept focusing on the true meaning.
Now that the New Year is fast approaching, I have to get dialed in with goals and my words for 2017. I don’t do New Year’s resolutions. If you have been around here long, you know I stick with one or two words to live by for the New Year. Words that I try to focus on and that I have been prayerful about.
This year, my two words were easy. It didn’t take much prayer before I knew exactly what my words would be. To me, New Year resolutions don’t work and don’t last. It’s a concept I threw out a long time ago. New Year, New You, doesn’t sit well with me.
I will say I am ready to say good bye to 2016. It was a year I hope not to repeat in terms of challenges and health issues. My two words from 2016 got me through the tough year. I focused on JOY and LESS a lot through the past year. Reminding myself of my words when I most needed it. Joy was something I had lost, and I began to seek Him in order to find it again. My life was radically changed. I sought less baggage, stress, material and worldly things, less comparison, etc. This helped to bring more joy into my life. Definitely words I will continue to use in 2017.
This year’s words are FEARLESS and SHINE.
The New Year in Two Powerful Words - #fearlesslyshine #truth #hope Share on XFEARLESS – lacking fear; bold, brave, lionhearted, daring, courageous
I hope to be FEARLESS in 2017. I hope to achieve greater things. To reach goals, quelling fear and releasing it. Getting rid of fear, so I am not hindered, hurt, bitter, and doubtful. Fear has sought to steal my talents, my soul and heart. It has quelled goals, dreams and ambitions.
To live FEARLESSLY, will give me faith, bigger dreams and more life, a fuller life. I won’t doubt myself and my Heavenly Father, fear the unknown….I was fearfully and wonderfully made. I was created to be feared by the enemy, not to fear him. I am a threat to the enemy, I am the storm.
I don’t want to put limits on my dreams and myself. Because I have Him living inside of me, I am unstoppable, I am FEARLESS. His plans and purpose are too great to let fear hinder me, to be quenched by worldly thoughts and ways. The world will not satisfy me. I will stopp letting fear break me and steal my JOY. FEARLESS I WILL be…..
SHINE – give out a bright light; light, glimmer, sparkle, radiate, glow
In 2017 I will SHINE bright. I will be the light and salt of this earth. I will let my light SHINE. I hope to bring His light into the darkness, SHINING brighter than the darkness all around. His light will SHINE in my circumstances and darkness, my challenges, my fears, doubts, and hopelessness. His light will satisfy me…His light will quench my soul, my heart, my life.
I hope to SHINE in this hurtful, unloving, selfish world. To be His love, His hands and feet. To give more light, joy, kindness and love. To SHINE so bright that those around me want what I have….HIM!! SHINE His goodness, because He is a GOOD, GOOD Father.
I want His light to SHINE through me. To bring me into the dark places, take me to the hurting, broken and beaten, so I can SHINE. I want to allow Him to work and move in my life, to SHINE in my life. To be a bright light that goes wherever I go.
As I SHINE, I want to be vulnerable, real and open to Him and to others. In this world of brokenness, jealousy, comparison, bitterness, and hatred, love needs to SHINE.…His love needs to SHINE. It may sound corny, but I want to be someone’s ray of sunSHINE. To offer them hope, love, joy and truth through Him. I want to open up and let the light in…to open up and let Him SHINE on me. To SHINE on me so hopes and dreams come alive again.
This is my theme song for 2017 to go along with my two words. Music can change the atmosphere around you, so I let it play all throughout the day.
Words are powerful, which is why I chose a word/words for guiding my New Year. Words to remind myself throughout the year what I am living for, and what I can overcome when a challenge hits. It’s amazing how last years words played out. They changed my world, my atmosphere.
How will you start the NY?! - New Year, New Words for 2017 - #shine #fearless Share on XSo when I feel fear and doubt, I will remember I am FEARLESS, unstoppable. When I feel darkness and hatred, I will open up and let Him SHINE. I will SHINE FEARLESSLY in 2017.
Until next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
What are your words / or word for 2017?
Beautiful! Arise and shine for your light has come!