I have always been the person to fixate on problems. To always be looking at the problem, remembering the past, and never seeing the future or wanting to believe what could be ahead in the future. My mindset stays in the negative, my eyes fixated on the current challenge and circumstances.
After years of this, I was left defeated, exhausted and hopeless. My energy was spent on my problem. It was a endless cycle and I felt beat up and broken down. In a corner without a tap out or at least not able to use my tap out power. Now I realize we all have tap out power in a sense.
Have you ever felt like you were in a boxing match with the greatest, strongest contender, feeling defeated before the match even began? Like you never even stood a chance. Never even had the strength to stand? With every blow you weakened more and more, and before you knew it you were in the corner covering your face begging for mercy, but too prideful to use that tap out. Not wanting to give up, because of the crowd watching. Wanting to put up a good fight, to seem bigger than you felt, stronger than you thought.
Truth is we have the best tap out power there is: God. Even more than a tap out, He carries us, He already won the victory. He defeated the enemy. Who we are really fighting against is ourselves, our flesh. Our doubts and fears. Yes, it’s true the enemy lurks around, using people to bring us down, getting into our heads, planting lies. But the victory was already won. We can sit back in the ring and say “Have at it God, You take over from here.” We can rest and find peace in Him. But we don’t.
I saw this photo on social media and it really resonated with me.
It spoke deeper than I thought. Because I truly believe that if we know how strong our roots were, we too would laugh at storms. Our roots are in Jesus. The victorious one. The all knowing, good good father. The one who hung the stars and the moon, who knew us before we were even formed.
When we start to feast our eyes on Him, our circumstances become smaller and smaller. They seem like an ant’s hill instead of a mountain. We feel stronger, hopeful and fearless. If we lived like the old Dolly Parton quote “Storms make trees take deeper roots” how different would our lives be?! If every time a storm blew in our lives, a challenge, and we took deeper roots with the most powerful friend there was, we would laugh at the storm and stand boldly to defeat it. We would have confidence. We would stand in the ring, knowing we have tap out power, but knowing we won’t need it, because the power lives within us.
The older I get, the deeper my roots seem to go. Deeper and deeper still…. I look at my circumstances, only for a moment, only long enough to say, I already won, I am already victorious, and you don’t stand a chance. You won’t leave me defeated and beaten down, because my strength goes much deeper. I shift my focus on Him and I believe in His promises and goodness, His plans and His purposes.
I look at challenges as stretching. Stretching me for His purposes. Building me, strengthening me, teaching me, but never breaking me. They are tough and hard only when my mindset weakens and I stand in the ring alone.
But when I know who holds the stars and the universe in place, whom shall I fear? When I know whose roots my tree has been planted in, I can laugh at the storms. I rise up, and boldly take my roots deeper and deeper still.
My roots go deeper and deeper still, my boldness in Him, my confidence in my creator, my hope and trust in Him. More storms, deeper roots, more promises. With every challenge, comes a blessing, a promise. So bring them on, because I want every blessing I can have from Him. He is Victorious. My tree bending, but not breaking as my roots go deeper and deeper still…..
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
How uplifting and a good reminder that we are victorious!