Have you every wondered why you are in a certain season? Have you ever wished that you life wasn’t so hard sometimes? Or maybe looked at your neighbors life, best friend’s life or even a close relatives life and wished yours was like their’s?
We’re all in process. What do I mean by this? If we stop to meditate on what process means, we realize that our life is a process. Almost all our daily activities are part of this process.
It begins with the process of growing up, attending school and then embarking on life after high school, whether it’s entering into the process of college or the process of a career. There’s a process of maturity, education, relationships, sports, etc. Everyone’s process looking a little different and some not finishing the process.
We may stop the process because it seems too difficult, too challenging, not worth it or pointless. We stop pursuing dreams and passions, because the process is too challenging and seems too long. Everything we do in life is a process that can lead to progress, if we stay in the process long enough.
The process of life, the process of pregnancy, marriage, high school, college, job searching, cooking, running…..We are all in process at various times in our life. We are all on a journey to progress, to pursue those dreams and passions, but the question lies in how we handle this process and whether we finish the process well.
Whether or not we run with endurance the race set before us or we quit before we reach the finish line.
Process to progress…what does this look like? It’s different for everyone, but one thing remains constant, without finishing the process we won’t progress.
With our recent move to Texas, it’s been a process. Some enjoy the process of moving, but I don’t. There are moments I just want to quit. We still haven’t found a house, which is another process. If we were to quit now, the progress of a new house and an empty storage unit wouldn’t be met.
I force myself not to thing negatively, as I sometimes want to move back to Washington. To everything that was familiar and I loved. This new process has been one that is hard for me to swallow. The heat and humidity, the lack of familiarity, the distance from family and friends, the distance from everything I love. I find myself resisting it more than anything, only make it harder to progress. I needed a shift in my mindset in order to work with the process.
We can resist a process or completely stop a process, which will both ultimately lead to shattered dreams and no progress. The end is in sight and God has it all in His hands. He directs us through the process, never saying it will be easy, but reassuring us that He holds us and never gives us more than we can handle.
We must accept His process so we can see His progress. It’s not easy, at least it hasn’t been for me. It’s worth it, and it’s part of our growth. I always relate most everything to running, because it helps me shift my focus and mindset. The process of a marathon isn’t easy. There’s ups and downs, curves and bumps or long stretches of seemingly nothing. The finish line seems so far away, even when it’s in sight. Moments of doubt you won’t finish, pain and discomfort.
Other moments, you feel surges, strength and endurance. You dig deep and move forward, some miles not believing in your will to finish, but still willing to go on. Willing to move forward, even if it’s at a slower pace. Different races you finish with different emotions, but always elated you crossed that finish line. Whether the process was easier than last time or the worst experience you’ve had, you progressed from mile to mile and ultimately reached the final destination.
I am always wanting to progress to something bigger and better. If you aren’t progressing, you are not getting better but worse. I obviously want more better in my life, which means I have to accept the process and dig deep. I have to keep my focus on my passions and trust the process.
Here’s to growing and moving from process to progress for the remainder of 2018…..
From Yours Truly, Bryanna
Until Next Time Be Whole and Be Fit
The Great Author and Finisher of our faith will finish the good work He started in us. All we need to do is keep surrendering and “believe” that He is a good Father! You’re doing good – you entered the race and some never do….