Hello friends. Months have passed since I (Mariah) wrote a blog post. Today, in light of spring and Easter passing, I was inspired to write about new beginnings. Spring is one of my favorite seasons because it signals rebirth. I love watching the flowers blooms, grass turn green and sun shine brighter. When people think of new beginnings, they think of a new career, new boyfriend/girlfriend, new house etc. As a Christian, the term new beginning has a deeper meaning; it is not merely attached to the temporal world. To many, including myself, it can mean a spiritual recharge.
Sometimes Christians experience seasons of drought. It is okay to not be okay. God does not want us to pretend like we always have it together. We will go through periods of pain, sorrow and adversity or maybe periods where we feel worn down. I would be a fraud if I said I did not feel empty or distant from God at times. In fact, I have experienced a spiritual drought for at least a couple years.

One of my favorite life verses and a message that has current applicability to my life is Isaiah 40:31. “But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint.”
God promises to renew us, but the key is to wait on him and rely on his strength. Rarely does God answer us in our timing. God wants to teach us perseverance and wants us to rely completely on him. I know by living it out.
For years I have felt depleted, but a couple weeks ago I woke up feeling more refreshed and joyful. I recall calling my mom after church to express my enthusiasm about my renewed vigor. There was no magic switch. I persistently clung to God even when I did not feel his presence or strength. Eventually, though, his power was made perfect in my weakness.
If you feel tired, weary or distant from God, do not be discouraged. It is part of the Christian walk to experience challenging seasons. God does not promise a bed of roses. And he does not want you to go through trials and adversity on your own. He will sustain you if you hold fast to him.
In hope, Mariah